ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Circular CRTC 2002-448
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Broadcasting Circular CRTC 2002-448 |
Ottawa, 7 June 2002 |
The CRTC Streamlines Radio Renewals Process |
1. |
Section 5(2)(g) of the Broadcasting Act stipulates that "the Canadian broadcasting system should be regulated and supervised in a flexible manner that is sensitive to the administrative burden that, as a consequence of such regulation and supervision, may be imposed on persons carrying on broadcasting undertakings". The Commission has in recent years worked towards achieving this objective through various streamlining initiatives. In addition to assisting the licensees on broadcasting undertakings, these initiatives have allowed the Commission to improve its efficiency and effectiveness as a regulatory body, and to direct its limited resources to priority sectors. |
2. |
The Commission has recently reviewed its existing procedures for renewing radio licences. It concludes that there are opportunities to reduce the administrative burden that many radio licensees face at the time of their licence renewals. |
3. |
Each year the Commission considers approximately 125 to 150 radio licence renewals. Experience has shown that approximately 80 % of these renewals raise no concern for either interveners or the Commission. It is therefore reasonable that such licensees be permitted to benefit from a streamlined process provided that basic regulatory requirements are not compromised. Such requirements include the need to file a renewal application and to hold a public process inviting Canadians to participate in the renewal process. |
4. |
Accordingly, for radio licences expiring in 2003 and subsequently, the following administrative practice has been adopted: |
5. |
While it has adopted these new procedures, the Commission will continue to carry out its supervisory role through its on-going compliance monitoring activities. These include assessing a licensee's compliance with the programming content requirements of the regulations and conditions of licence, and its overall performance with regard to such other matters as general filing requirements, Canadian Talent Development (CTD) contributions, spending requirements associated with tangible benefits from previously approved transfers of ownership, Canadian ownership requirements, and obligations concerning employment equity practices. The Commission will also continue to consider all complaints filed, as well as any negative rulings issued by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. |
6. |
The Commission's consideration of renewal applications for AM and FM radio licences will take place in accordance with the following timeline: |
7. |
The Commission will assess the effectiveness of this streamlining measure after the 2003 radio renewal round has been completed. |
Secretary General |
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Date Modified: 2002-06-07
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