ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2001-917

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Order CRTC 2001-917

Ottawa, 21 December 2001

Northern Telephone Limited
Reference: Tariff notices 163 and 163B

Access service

The Commission approves, on an interim basis, Northern Telephone Limited's primary interexchange carrier/customer account record exchange (PIC/CARE) tariffs; the addition of a new tariff item for the bulk transfer of a customer base between interexchange carriers having feature group D service, and a revised PIC processing charge per access line of $2.16.


The Commission notes that Northern Telephone Limited has not filed a cost study to support its rates for Tariff notices 163and 163B but has used Télébec Ltée's rates, which were approved in Telecom Order CRTC 97-1958, dated 30 December 1997, as a proxy.


O.N.Telcom provided comments on this rate application and expressed concerns over the proposed primary interexchange carrier (PIC) processing charge of $8.26 for each access line, almost 400% higher than the Cochrane Public Utilities Commission PIC processing charge of $2.16 for each access line. Cochrane operates in the same toll territory as Northern; Cochrane's $2.16 charge was approved in Order CRTC 2001-846, Interconnection with interexchange carriers, dated 28 November 2001.


The Commission notes that Bell Canada and numerous independent telephone companies have a PIC processing charge of $2.16 for each access line.


The Commission considers that unless Northern can support the higher rate for the PIC processing charge with a cost study, the PIC processing charge for each access line should be the same as that of Cochrane and other independent telephone companies.


The Commission approves, on an interim basis, TNs 163 and 163B with the following amendment, i.e. that the PIC processing charge per access line be revised from $8.26 to $2.16.


The Commission directs Northern to file the revised tariff page reflecting the above amendment forthwith.

Secretary General

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Date Modified: 2001-12-21

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