ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8669-M16-01/01 -  MicrocellTelecommunications Inc. Part VII Application for the Mandated Provision ofWireless Enhanced 9-1-1 Network Access Service

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Our File: 6669-M16-01/01

Ottawa, 16 May 2001


To: Attached Address List (Wireless)

Re: Microcell Telecommunications Inc. Part VII Application for the Mandated Provision of Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 Network Access Service

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to Microcell Telecommunications Inc. Part VII application dated 13 March 2001, the following is the Commission's interrogatory.

200 If the incumbent Telco and PSAPs were equipped to support E 9-1-1 wireless service and the provision of E 9-1-1 for wireless customers were a service requirement, provide a schedule for the activities your company would have to complete prior to the provision of E 9-1-1 service for your customers.

Responses to this interrogatory are to be filed with the Commission, serving copies on all parties by 30 May 2001; reply comments are to be filed by 6 June 2001 serving copies on all parties.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director

Attachments - Address List (Wireless)
List of Parties

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