ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8640-O4-01/00 - O.N. Telcom's Applicationfor Forbearance from Regulation of Mobile Wireless Services
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LetterOttawa, 20 February 2001 Our file: 8640-O4-01/00
Mr. Richard W. Peters, CA, CBV Dear Mr. Peters: Subject: O.N. Telcom's Application for Forbearance from Regulation of Mobile Wireless Services On examination of the material filed in the above noted matter, it has been determined that further information is needed. Accordingly, O.N. Telcom is requested to provide, by 2 March 2001 answers to the following questions: Provide the evidence referred to in paragraph 22 of its submission, where the company states that: "should the Commission subsequently determine that evidence of a competitive cellular service market place is desirable, O.N.Telcom would be pleased to provide this evidence." Refer to paragraph 27 of the Company's submission. Explain why forbearance from the Company's cellular services in Moosonee and Moose Factory would "level the playing field and improve the terms under which the Company could compete in the mobile wireless market." Briefly describe the arrangements of providing cellular services in Moosonee/Moose Factory, addressing each of the following: How many cell sites does O.N.Telcom Mobility use to provide service? How does O.N.Telcom Mobility arrange for switching of (1) cell-phone to cell-phone calls, (2) cell-phone to wireline public network calls, and (3) wireline public network to cell-phone calls? Yours sincerely,
Mervin Grywacheski |
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