ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8662-B2-04/00 - Decision CRTC 2000-745 -Changes to the contribution regime Reporting requirements

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Our file: 8638-C12-45/00

Ottawa, 14 February 2001


To: Telecommunications Service Providers

Subject: Decision CRTC 2000-745 - Changes to the contribution regime Reporting requirements

On 30 November 2000, the Commission issued Telecom Decision CRTC 2000-745, introducing major changes to the Canadian contribution regime, which subsidizes the high cost of local service in rural and remote areas. In the Decision, the Commission decided that it would introduce a national contribution collection mechanism based upon revenues from all telecommunications service providers and replaced the per-minute mechanism effective 1 January 2001. All telecommunications service providers who meet the minimum threshold of $10 million in Canadian Telecommunications Services Revenues are required to pay contribution to the national fund. The interim percentage charge of 4.5% of contribution-eligible revenues has been established for 2001. Monthly revenue remittances will commence based on April 2001 revenues, which allows for a transition period from the previous regime.

In order to compile an updated list of active telecommunications service providers and anticipated contribution-eligible revenues, the Commission directed all telecommunications service providers to file their estimated 2000 revenues and estimated allowable deductions as outlined in Paragraph 128 of the Decision. This report was to be filed by 15 January 2001 whether or not the minimum threshold is met.

Our records indicate that no report has been filed for your company to date. In order to ensure compliance with this Decision, please file the attached form with the appropriate information immediately either by mail or fax. If you are no longer in business as a telecommunications service provider, or have already provided said information through another entity, please indicate this in writing.

Please send the information or address any questions to:

Tammy Carruthers
Tel: (819) 994-9988
Fax: (819) 997-4550

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director, Telecommunications
(819) 997-4644


Reporting Form for Revenue-based Mechanism


Total Operating Revenue Reported in Financial Statements




Non-Canadian Revenues



Canadian Non-Telecommunications Revenues



Total Canadian Telecommunications Revenues (1-2-3)




Contribution Payments Received



Inter-Carrier Payments



Unbundled Internet Revenues



Unbundled Paging Revenues



Unbundled Terminal Equipment Revenues



Revenues from bundling of only non Contribution-eligible services



Sub-Total (5+6+7+8+9+10)



TOTAL Contribution-eligible Revenues (4-11)


Provide a description of the Non-Canadian Revenues
Include a breakdown of items (2) and (3)
Include a breakdown of total bundled revenues of contribution-eligible services with non-contribution-eligible services by type.

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