ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8740-N3-128/00 - Northern Telephone Limited- 2001 Carrier Access Tariff
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LetterOur file: 8740-N3-0128/00Ottawa, 12 February 2001 BY TELECOPIER
Ms. Molly Slywchuk Dear Ms. Slywchuk Subject: Northern Telephone Limited - 2001 Carrier Access Tariff The Commission is in receipt of Northern Telephone Limited's (Northern Tel's) letter, dated 19 January 2001, requesting a delay in the filing of its proposed final 2001 Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) from 31 January 2001 to 30 March 2001. Northern Tel cited limited human resources available to work on its 2001 CAT as a result of other current proceedings such as Public Notice CRTC 2000-107-1, O.N.Tel - Implementation of Toll Competition and Related Matters (PN 2000-107) and the Simplified Regulatory Regime for Independents Round Table (Round Table). The Commission is also in receipt of a letter from O.N.Telcom, dated 2 February 2001, wherein O.N.Telcom is supportive of Northern Tel's request for a delay but expressed concerns with the length of the requested delay. O.N.Telcom was of the view it would be appropriate to grant Northern Tel an extension until 19 February 2001. Among the concerns raised by O.N.Telcom was the quantification of Northern Tel's contribution payments and its direct toll component and their potential impact on the financial data filed by O.N.Telcom as part of the PN 2000-107 proceeding. O.N.Telcom further commented on the timing of interrogatory requests due on the record of PN 2000-107 for 26 February 2001, as well as interrogatories associated with the Round Table due 23 February 2001, which would continue to strain the regulatory resources of Northern Tel. Commission staff notes that according to Decision 99-5 the 2001 contribution rate will be capped at the 2000 contribution level less any adjustments to account for local rate increases. Further, according to Decision 96-6 , until the Commission approves a company-specific CAT for a calendar year, the Commission directed that the previous year's CAT becomes the interim CAT for the calendar year in question. Commission staff further notes that irrespective of the filing date of Northern's 2001 CAT, there will be a period of time necessary for comments (if any) and reply, plus proper analysis and review, prior to final Commission approval. Commission staff is mindful of Northern Tel's limited availability of human resources to work on current regulatory proceedings, but in view of the overall slate of activities for 2001, it would like to dispose of pending CAT filings as expeditiously as possible. Accordingly, Commission staff agrees to extend Northern Tel's filing date for its proposed final 2001 CAT to 28 February 2001. Yours sincerely,
Shirley Soehn
c.c.: O.N.Telcom |
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