ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8622-C12-10/00 - Subject: O.N.Telcom's Request to Delay the Procedure Set Out In Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2000-107-1
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LetterOur file: 8622-C12-10/00 Ottawa, 9 January 2001 BY TELECOPIER To: Parties to PN 2000-107-1 Subject: O.N.Telcom's Request to Delay the Procedure Set Out In Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2000-107-1 In its letter dated 22 December 2000, O.N.Telcom has requested that the Commission delay the procedure set out in O.N.Tel - Implementation of toll competition and related matters - Amendment to PN 2000-107, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2000-107-1 (PN 2000-107-1), dated 30 November 2000. According to the procedure, the next step is for parties to file revised submissions and written responses to Commission interrogatories by 15 January 2001. O.N.Telcom has requested that the next step be delayed at least an additional eight weeks. Referring to the direction from the Minister of Northern Development and Mines (for Ontario) to Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC) to pursue the immediate divestiture of O.N.Telcom, O.N.Telcom requested a delay of at least eight weeks, in order to gather more information about the divestiture process and incorporate this in its revised submission. The Commission reiterates its intention to introduce toll competition in O.N.Telcom's operating territory by 1 January 2002. In light of this firm intention, and in the circumstances, the Commission hereby grants O.N.Telcom and other parties that filed submissions in this proceeding, a two week extension for filing revised evidence and responses to Commission interrogatories. As indicated above, the Commission intends to introduce toll competition in northern Ontario no later than 1 January 2002 and if necessary, would be prepared to establish an expedited written process to ensure that this does happen. The Commission will not be favourably disposed towards future requests for delays to its proceeding. As more about the divestiture process is known, O.N.Telcom is directed to keep the Commission and interested parties informed of significant developments. As a result of this decision, some of the dates set out in PN 2000-107-1 are changed as follows: a. paragraph 7 - 15 January changed to 29 January b. paragraph 8 - 15 January changed to 29 January c. paragraph 9 - 22 January changed to 5 February d. paragraph 10- 29 January changed to 12 February e. paragraph 11- 6 February changed to 19 February f. paragraph 12- 12 February changed to 26 February g. paragraph 13- 12 March changed to 26 March h. paragraph 14- 19 March changed to 2 April i. paragraph 15- 26 March changed to 9 April j. paragraph 16- 9 April changed to 18 April k. paragraph 17- 23 April changed to 30 April l. paragraph 19- 27 April changed to 4 May m. paragraph 20- 4 May changed to 11 May This letter will be posted on the CRTC's web site in both official languages. Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke |
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