ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - SaskTel 8638-C12-44/00

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Ottawa, 5 January 2001

File No. 8638-C12-44/00

By Telecopier

Ms. Candice Molnar
General Manager
Regulatory Affairs
2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 3Y2

Dear Ms. Molnar:

Re: Decision CRTC 2000-150 SaskTel - Transition to Federal Regulation Imputation Test Methodology

This letter disposes of an application by SaskTel regarding its proposed imputation test methodology for local services. On 29 November 2000, the Commission received a letter from SaskTel regarding the methodology that the company proposes to apply with respect to the imputation test for local services and the conditions under which an imputation test is to be applied. SaskTel submitted that its imputation results would be filed in a format consistent with that proposed by the former Stentor companies and approved by the Commission on 27 November 1998.

The Commission finds SaskTel's proposal to be generally consistent with the imputation test methodology approved for the former Stentor companies. The Commission approves SaskTel's proposal as modified to include the following changes:

modify the last sentence of paragraph 3 to read: "If the service being priced is a local exchange service, the imputation test will be applied at the rate band level."

add the following sentences to paragraph 4: "Applications for existing service tariff revisions will include the per band or overall weighted average percentage price change, reflecting the average customer impact of moving towards the tariff revisions under the proposed service. The revenues, costs and demand provided in the imputation test are to reflect the base data adjusted for market share loss/gain, re-price and stimulation associated with the proposed service."

remove the term "single-line business service" from paragraphs 9 and 18(c).

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General

c.c. CRTC Regional Offices
        Yvan Davidson, CRTC (819) 953-5414

Date Modified: 2001-01-05

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