Consensus Report
Consensus on Wireless CLEC: Alberta CLEC-Municipality 9-1-1 Service Agreement (ESRE026a) submitted by the Emergency Services 9-1-1 Working Group (ESWG) and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model Agreement for the provision of E9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in Alberta - For use by Wireless Competitive Local Exchange Carriers, consistent with Orders CRTC 2000-830 and 2000-831.
Consensus on Wireless CLEC: Alberta CLEC-Municipality 9-1-1 Billing and Collection Agreement (ESRE028a) submitted by the ESWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model to collect municipal charges in Alberta for E9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service as required to accommodate wireless competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), consistent with Orders CRTC 2000-830 and 2000-831.
Consensus on British Columbia CLEC-Regional District 9-1-1 Service Agreement (ESRE030a) submitted by the ESWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model Agreement for the provision of P9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in British Columbia.
It is understood that, in some cases, the CLEC may need to sign a 9-1-1 service agreement with an individual municipality rather than a Regional District. The model agreement is intended to serve this purpose as well.
Consensus on British Columbia CLEC-Regional District 9-1-1 Billing and Collection Agreement (ESRE031a) submitted by the ESWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model Agreement to collect call-answer levy in British Columbia for P9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service.
It is understood that, in some cases, the CLEC may need to sign a 9-1-1 billing and collection agreement with an individual municipality rather than a Regional District. The model agreement is intended to serve this purpose as well.
Consensus on British Columbia Wireless CLEC-Regional District 9-1-1 Service Agreement (ESRE032a) submitted by the ESWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model Agreement for the provision of P9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service in British Columbia - For use by Wireless Competitive Local Exchange Carriers.
It is understood that, in some cases, the wireless CLEC may need to sign a 9-1-1 service agreement with an individual municipality rather than a Regional District. The model agreement is intended to serve this purpose as well.
Consensus on British Columbia Wireless CLEC-Regional District 9-1-1 Billing and Collection Agreement (ESRE033a) submitted by the ESWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The ESWG has reached consensus on a model Agreement to collect call-answer levy in British Columbia for P9-1-1 Emergency Calling Service - For use by Wireless Competitive Local Exchange Carriers.
It is understood that, in some cases, the CLEC may need to sign a 9-1-1 billing and collection agreement with an individual municipality rather than a Regional District. The model agreement is intended to serve this purpose as well.
Consensus on Forecast Information Exchange (HSRE007) submitted by the Cable Access (High Speed) Working Group (HSWG) and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The HSWG has reached consensus with regards to the forecast information exchange procedures between cable carriers and connecting Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
Consensus on Network management and Administration Guidelines (HSRE008) submitted by the HSWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The HSWG has reached consensus with regards to the management of network events associated with the provision of Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) service by cable carriers to third party ISPs.
Consensus on End-user Transfer and Safeguards (HSRE009) submitted by the HSWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The HSWG has reached consensus with regards to a standard process for the transfer of end-users between cable carriers and a third party ISP or between third party ISPs.
Consensus on Billing Information and Requirements (HSRE010) submitted by the HSWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The HSWG has reached consensus with regards to the requirements of ISPs and cable carriers to bill TPIA, including processes for access by ISPs to usage information and steps to be taken in case of disputes between the ISP and cable carrier regarding TPIA charges.
Consensus on Notification of End-user Cancellation (HSRE011) submitted by the HSWG and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The HSWG has reached consensus with regards to the standard process for ISPs to notify a cable carrier when an ISP end-user cancels service.
Consensus Report for the Canadian Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast (C-NRUF GL 17) submitted by the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) and approved by the SC on 23 November 2001.
The CSCN recommends that the Canadian Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast Guideline be adopted for application in Canada.
However, any COCUS (Central Office Code Utilization Survey) already in progress after approval of the C-NRUF Guideline by the CRTC should continue under existing guidelines.