ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-667
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Decision CRTC 2001-667
Ottawa, 30 October 2001
Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
To: Public Notice CRTC 2000-17 distribution list
Re: Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
Dear Sir or Madam:
Several CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) working groups submitted a number of consensus reports to the CISC Steering Committee (SC) (see attachment). The reports were placed on the CRTC website. The SC parties confirmed the consensus reports and forwarded them to the Commission for consideration.
The Commission has reviewed the reports and approves the consensus reports noted in the attachment.
Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke
Secretary General
c.c. Chaouki Dakdouki, (819) 997-4400
CRTC Regional Offices
Consensus report | Description |
Consensus on common language code assignment (BPRE013a) submitted by the Business Process Working Group (BPWG) and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The BPWG has reached consensus on a set of rules with respect to the responsibilities of the parties for assignment of the appropriate CLLI codes in the context of local network interconnection and co-location between two LECs. |
Consensus on data elements for customer equipment records (BPRE016a) submitted by the BPWG and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The BPWG has reached consensus on the exchange of customer service records between local service providers. The Commission approves this consensus report with an effective implementation date of 60 calendar days from the date of this decision. The Commission requires all LECs to ensure, through contractual or other means, that local resellers comply with the process for customer service records as detailed in this report. |
Consensus on updates to BPWG schedules in Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) between LECs (BPRE022a) submitted by the BPWG and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The BPWG has reached consensus on revisions to the MALI schedule D ("Ordering procedures"), Schedule E ("Billing procedures"), Schedule G ("Data interchange procedures"), and Schedule H ("Customer transfer procedures"). A revised version of the MALI will be posted on the CISC website reflecting these changes. |
Consensus on updates to BPWG schedules in Master CLEC/IXC Agreement (BPRE024a) submitted by the BPWG and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The BPWG has reached consensus on revisions to CLEC/IXC Agreement Schedule 1 ("Ordering procedures"), Schedule 2 ("Carrier billing"), and Schedule 4 ("PIC information processing"). A revised version of the CLEC/IXC Agreement will be posted on the CISC website reflecting these changes. |
Consensus on trouble shooting end user technical problems (HSRE004) submitted by the Cable Access (High Speed) Working Group (HSWG) and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The HSWG members agreed on a standard process for trouble-shooting Internet service provider (ISP) end-user technical problems. |
Consensus on emergency service routing digit (ESRD) block assignment guideline submitted by the CSCN and approved by the SC on 31 August 2001. |
ESRDs are fictitious 10-digit telephone numbers in the format of NXX-511-XXXX. Each cellular site "sector" is assigned one of these numbers. When a customer places a call to 9-1-1 using a wireless phone, the ESRD is used by the PSAP to identify the general vicinity in which the call is placed. This guideline details the processes to be used in assigning and administering ESRDs. |
Consensus report | Description |
Consensus on network failures affecting LNP- SCP services (NORE020a) submitted by the Network Operations Working Group (NOWG) and approved by the SC on 12 July 2001. |
The NOWG members agreed that each facility provider which supplies SCP services to other LECs, should be accountable to provide a notification and response process to any of its customers subscribing to such a service. |
Consensus report on the demarcation point location for provisioning of pay telephone basic access line (PAL) service - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (BIRE022) submitted by the Building Access and Inside Wiring WG (BIWG) and approved by the SC on 31 August 2001. |
The BIWG agreed to a list of locations for service provider demarcation points to be used by Saskatchewan Telecommunications for the provisioning of PAL service. |
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