ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-640

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Decision CRTC 2001-640

Ottawa, 10 October 2001

To: Public Notice 2000-17 distribution list

Re: Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, 1 May 1997: Follow-Up Process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items

Dear Sir or Madam:

Several CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) working groups submitted a number of consensus reports to the CISC Steering Committee (SC) (See attachment). The reports were placed on the CRTC's website. The SC parties confirmed the consensus reports and forwarded them to the Commission for consideration.

The Commission has reviewed the reports and approves the consensus reports noted in the attachment.

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General


c.c. Chaouki Dakdouki, CRTC (819) 997-4400
CRTC Regional Offices


Consensus Report Description

Consensus of the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) on TIF 027 Finalized Process for Signalling System 7 (SS7) Point Code Industry Notification adopted by the SC on 8 March 2001.

In June 1998, the CSCN accepted a referral of an issue from the CISC Network Working Group on the requirement for a notification process to be established for common channel signalling 7 (CCS7) Point Codes.

The CSCN developed an Interim Global Title Translation (GTT) Point Code Notification Process to be followed until such time as a permanent solution could be found.

The Interim Process has been in effect since December 1998. The CSCN has made changes in order to clarify this process and has agreed to recommend that the Finalized Process for GTT Point Code Notification be adopted for application in Canada and that TIF 027 be closed.

Consensus of the Business Process Working Group (BPWG) on the Interconnection Request Abbreviated Access Service Request (AASR) Form Preparation Guide, version 5.1 of the Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) adopted by the SC on 8 March 2001.

The BPWG reviewed the current Version 4 AASR Form Preparation Guide (Section 8, C-LOG version 5), used for ordering network facilities for both local and inter-exchange carrier (IXC) interconnection. The purpose of the review was to see if any changes or refinements were needed to improve the quality of the existing form and, to the degree possible, define a standard form that meets the requirements of both local and IXC interconnection ordering.

The BPWG reached agreement on Section 8 (AASR Form Preparation Guide) of Version 5.1 of the C-LOG.

Consensus of the BPWG on the Update and Publication of BPWG Process Maps adopted by the SC on 8 March 2001.

The BPWG Process Maps illustrate and describe how a telecommunications carrier should handle disputes involving customer claims of unauthorized transfer of local and long-distance services.

The BPWG reviewed the Customer Transfer Process Maps in order to update them and publish the revised material as a cohesive collection of documents on the CISC website.

LECs will now interface with one another and with a dispute arbitrator who represents respective local resellers in resolving local transfer disputes.

Consensus of the 514 Ad Hoc Relief Planning Committee with respect to the implementation plan for NPA 514 including a Consumer Awareness Program and a Jeopardy Contingency Plan adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.

The Ad Hoc committee reached agreement on a relief implementation plan for NPA 514 as required by Order 2000-1187.

The related TIF 003 establishes an industry-level framework and timeframe for implementation activities for the proposed new NPA 438.


Consensus Report Description

Consensus of the Network Working Group (NTWG) on Network to Network Interface for Toll Free Interconnection adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.

The NTWG reached agreement on the requirements for interfaces between LEC networks and IXC networks for toll-free service to ensure that an end-user can invoke a telecommunications service with end-to-end characteristics that depend on signalling information across the interconnected carrier networks.

Consensus of the Ad Hoc Cable Access Group on cable signal testing procedures for third-party Internet access adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.


The Cable Access Group reached agreement on:

(1) the procedures to be used, for RF signal testing purposes, to define the demarcation point between the network of a cable carrier and the facilities of another party located on the premises of the third-party Internet access (TPIA) service end-user; and

(2) the testing procedures to be used by an installer in the provisioning of the TPIA service.

The report was supported by all cable carriers and potential TPIA service customers.

Consensus of the Ad Hoc Cable Access Group on Internet service provider (ISP) connection and disconnection procedures adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.


The Cable Access Group reached agreement on a standard service process and procedures for requests for:

(1) connection to the cable network for TPIA service; and

(2) disconnection from the cable network to discontinue TPIA service.

Consensus of the Ad Hoc Cable Access Group on End-user service initiation process adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.

The Cable Access Group reached agreement on a standard service process and procedure to complete an order for TPIA service to an ISP's end-user.

Consensus of the Ad Hoc Cable Access Group on POI Interfaces (Cable Plant/ISP Point of Interconnect) adopted by the SC on 30 May 2001.


The Cable Access Group reached agreement on:

(1) the four types of interconnections that ISPs will use to connect to a cable company's cable plant;

(2) the responsibilities of the cable operator and ISP as well as the location of the point of interconnection (POI);

(3) the network elements that could be used by cable companies to support the POIs; and

(4) the procedure for proposing interconnection options, other than those in (1) above. The cable companies have been directed to file proposed tariffs for the interconnection arrangements in this report.


Consensus Report Description

CSCN Adjunct to CISC Administrative Guidelines adopted by the SC on 13 April 2000.

In April 2000, the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering filed a consensus report with the Commission recommending approval of the CSCN Adjunct to the CISC Administrative Guidelines. On

27 March 2001, the Commission issued Decision CRTC 2001-196,

PN 2000-17: Administrative Guidelines, approving the CISC Administrative Guidelines with amendments. The Commission now approves the CSCN adjunct to the CISC Administrative Guidelines.

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