ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-678
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Decision CRTC 2001-678 |
Ottawa, 7 November 2001 |
CPAM Radio inc. |
Public hearing of 19 June 2001 |
New ethnic AM radio station |
1. |
The Commission approves the operation of a new French-language ethnic AM radio station in Montréal. The new station will provide programming to serve the Francophone ethnocultural communities of Haitian, Latin-American and African descent in the greater Montréal area. The terms and conditions of the licence as well as the commitments made by the licensee are set out in the appendix to this decision. |
2. |
CPAM Radio inc. is a private commercial company owned exclusively by Mr. Jean Ernest Pierre. |
The proposed service |
3. |
The applicant proposed to operate a French-language ethnic radio station with programming targeting three cultural groups in the following proportions: Haitians (50%), Latin-Americans (15%), and Africans whose first language or whose second language is French (35%). The Ethnic Broadcasting Policy (the Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1999-117) provides for programs in any language, including English and French, so long as they serve culturally or racially distinct groups other than ones that are Aboriginal Canadian or from France or the British Isles. While the Policy states that ethnic stations must generally devote at least half of their schedules to programming in third languages, it makes provision for service in English and French, where appropriate. In this case, the station proposes to broadcast 100% of its spoken word programming in the French language in order to serve the Haitian, Latin-American and African groups. The applicant therefore requested an exemption from the requirement of section 7(2) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 to devote 50% of its programming to third-language programming. The Commission approves this request. A condition of licence to this effect is included in the appendix to this decision. |
4. |
In support of its application, the applicant pointed out that a new French-language ethnic service would contribute to the harmonious integration of the targeted ethnocultural communities into the larger francophone society, which would be enriched as a result. The applicant also underlined that the proposed service would allow young people to become interested in their culture of origin by addressing "issues that directly affect them". |
Music programming |
Category 2 music |
5. |
Since the proposed station will primarily broadcast music aimed at the Haitian, African and Latin-American communities that is not broadcast on other greater Montréal area radio stations, the Commission finds it appropriate to limit, as a condition of licence, the percentage of the broadcast week devoted to category 2 French-language and English-language music. At the hearing, the licensee stated that it would accept a condition of licence specifying that it could not devote more than 15% of a broadcast week to French-language category 2 music and 15% to English-language category 2 music. A condition of licence to that effect is set out in the appendix to this decision. |
Category 3 music |
6. |
At the hearing, the applicant made a comitment to devote 70% of its music programming to world beat and international music (sub-category 33), aimed at the three above-mentioned ethnocultural groups. A condition of licence related to this commitment is set out in the appendix to this decision. In this regard, the applicant underlined the importance of broadcasting Creole, Spanish and African music to expose young people to their own traditional ancestral music and culture, and to bridge the generation gap. |
Canadian content |
7. |
The licensee will ensure that a minimum of 35% of all music selections broadcast each week from category 2 are Canadian. Also, the applicant has committed to devote 20% of category 3 music selections that it broadcasts each broadcast week in the first year of its licence term to Canadian music selections, increasing to 35% effective the second year of operation. The Commission imposes this commitment as a condition of licence. The condition is set out in the appendix to this decision. |
Spoken word |
8. |
The new radio service will be hosted by new Canadians and will present news from Montréal and around the world that would be of particular interest to the target ethnic groups. At the public hearing, the licensee committed to devote between 35 and 40% of the 126 hours of programming per week to spoken word. Spoken word programming will include newscasts, reports, editorials, and public affairs programs. |
Canadian talent development |
9. |
In the first year of its licence term, the licensee will devote $3,000 to a direct contribution for Canadian talent development. Each subsequent year of its licence term, this amount will increase by $1,000 to reach $8,000 in the final year. These contributions will be given to third-party organizations involved in the production of music for the station's target audience, in accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, as set out in Public Notice CRTC 1995-196, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission. A condition of licence to that effect is included in the appendix to this decision. |
The creation of an advisory board |
10. |
To best respond to the needs of the communities targeted by the new service, the licensee has committed to set up a nine-member advisory board, made up of three members of each target cultural community in its service area. The Commission requires the licensee to submit a list of board members within 90 days of this decision. |
The Commission's determination |
11. |
The Commission approves the application since it shares the applicant's views regarding the need to bridge the gap between the Haitian, African and Latin-American communities, their descendants, and the larger francophone society. The Commission also considered that the proposed station will contribute to the diversity of musical formats available in the market and will provide a new voice for news and public affairs by broadcasting French-language programming aimed primarily at the above-mentioned ethnocultural groups. Finally, the Commission believes that, given the nature of the new station, it will have a negligible impact on existing stations in the greater Montréal area market. |
Interventions |
12. |
The Commission would like to thank all parties that filed interventions with regard to this application. The Commission is satisfied with the licensee's response to the interventions. |
Related CRTC documents |
. Public Notice 1999-137 - New licence form for commercial radio stations | |
. Public Notice 1999-117 - The Ethnic Broadcasting Policy | |
Secretary General |
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: |
Appendix to Decision CRTC 2001-678 |
Terms, conditions and commitments of the licence for the new ethnic AM radio station in Montréal |
Terms of licence |
The licence will only be issued and effective when the licensee confirms in writing that it is ready to begin operation. This must take place within 12 months of today's date. Any request for an extension to the deadline requires Commission approval and must be made in writing within that period. |
The licence, when issued, will expire on 31 August 2008. |
The station will broadcast on the AM band, on the frequency 1610 kHz, with an effective radiated power of 1,000 watts. |
The Commission encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources (PN 1992-59). |
Conditions of licence |
The licence will be subject to the conditions set out in Public Notice CRTC 1999-137. The licence will also be subject to the following conditions: |
1) The licensee is exempted from the requirement of section 7(2) of the Radio Regulations 1986 that it devote 50% of its programming to third-language programming. | |
2) The licensee must devote all of its programming to French-language ethnic programming, targeting the Haitian community, the Latin-American community and the African community with French as its first or second language. | |
3) In place of subsections 2.2(3) to 2.2(10) of the Radio Regulations, 1986, in each broadcast week | |
a) the licensee may devote a maximum of 30% of the musical selections that it broadcasts to selections from category 2; | |
b) the licensee must devote at least 70% of the musical selections that it broadcasts to musical selections from subcategory 33: World beat and international; | |
4) In the first year of its licence term, the licensee must devote $3,000 to a direct contribution for Canadian talent development. Each subsequent year of its licence term, the amount must increase by $1,000 to reach $8,000 in the final year. These contributions will be given to third-party organizations involved in the production of music for the station's target audience, in accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, as set out in Public Notice CRTC 1995-196, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission. | |
Commitments |
The licensee has committed to devote 35 to 40% of programming per broadcast week to spoken word that is of particular interest to the ethnocultural groups targeted. |
The licensee has committed to set up a nine-member advisory board composed of three members from each target group in its service area. The Commission requires the licensee to submit a list of board members within 90 days of this decision. |
Date Modified: 2001-11-07
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