ARCHIVED - Taxation Order CRTC 2001-4
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Taxation Order |
Ottawa, 24 May 2001 |
Subject: Restructured bands, revised local loop rates and related issues - Public Notice CRTC 2000-27 |
Reference: 8661-C12-02/00 and 4768-095 |
Philippa Lawson and Roger Higgin for Action Réseau Consommateur, the Consumers' Association of Canada, Fédération des associations coopératives d'économie familiale du Québec, and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (ARC et al.) |
Taxation of costs of ARC et al. |
Taxing officer: Mathilda Haykal-Sater |
1. |
This order constitutes the taxation of costs awarded to ARC et al. in the proceeding initiated by Public Notice CRTC 2000-27, Restructured bands, revised local loop rates and related issues. |
2. |
In Costs Order CRTC 2001-8, dated 10 April 2001, costs were awarded to ARC et al. in accordance with subsection 44(1) of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure. The order also determined that the costs should be apportioned between the following respondents as follows: |
AT&T Canada (on behalf of itself, |
Bell Canada (on behalf of itself, |
Microcell 2% |
SaskTel 3% |
TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. 21% |
3. |
By letter dated 24 April 2001, ARC et al. submitted its bill of costs consisting of $18,955.43 in fees and no disbursements. |
4. |
SaskTel was the only respondent to file a comment on ARC et al.'s bill of costs. It had no comments with respect to the amounts claimed by ARC et al. |
Fees |
Counsel fees |
5. |
The applicant has claimed the amount of $3,857.50 for legal representation by counsel Ms. Lawson. The total represents 21.3 hours claimed at an hourly rate of $175. The rate claimed is in accordance with the rates specified in the Commission's Legal Directorate's Guidelines for the taxation of costs revised as of 15 May 1998 (the Guidelines). I consider this rate to be appropriate and will allow the rate as claimed. |
Consultant's fees |
6. |
ARC et al. has claimed a total of $15,097.93 in fees for its senior consultant Mr. Roger Higgin. However, a verification of the calculations in the claim before me provides the total of $15,087.72 and not the $15,097.93 claimed. The total represents 83.3 hours of preparation time at an hourly rate of $175 and after an adjustment for a 50% rebate on GST. The hourly rate is within the Guidelines for senior consultants and I allow the rate as claimed subject to the correction to the amount of the total claim. |
Preparation and procedural time |
7. |
The applicant has claimed a total of 21.3 hours for legal representation by counsel Ms. Lawson. The total number of hours consists of 5.3 hours in reviewing the file, 0.7 hours of preparation of interrogatories, 12.7 hours of preparation of comments, 1.6 hours for consultation with the client and one hour for the preparation of the costs application. I consider the time claimed to be reasonably and necessarily incurred in the circumstances. I will allow the hours claimed as presented. |
8. |
ARC et al. has also claimed a total of 83.3 hours of preparation for its senior consultant, Mr. Roger Higgin. I find the time claimed to be reasonably and necessarily incurred in the circumstances. I will allow the hours claimed as presented. |
Costs as taxed |
9. |
I hereby tax the costs of the applicant, inclusive of applicable taxes, as follows: |
Counsel fees |
Ms. Lawson $3,857.96 |
Consultant's fees |
Mr. Roger Higgin $15,087.72 |
Total fees: $18,945.68 |
10. |
As noted above, the costs are to be paid forthwith by the respondents identified in Costs Order CRTC 2001-8. |
Taxing officer |
Mathilda Haykal-Sater |
Secretary General |
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