ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-82-1
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Public Notice CRTC 2001-82-1 |
See also: 2001-82 Ottawa, 25 July 2001 |
Revised lists of eligible satellite services |
Correction |
1. |
In Public Notice CRTC 2001-82 dated 13 July 2001, following a public process, the Commission published revised lists of eligible satellite services. These included a new list of non-Canadian discretionary services eligible for distribution to subscribers on a digital basis only. Each of the non-Canadian services placed on the new digital list had been the subject of a request by one or more Canadian sponsors. In each case, the Commission was satisfied that the service was not competitive, either in whole or in part, with Canadian programming services and thus, that its distribution would not be contrary to Commission policy. |
2. |
Among the proposed services not included on the new digital list was the audio service Radio France Internationale, whose proposed addition had been sponsored by the Canadian Cable Television Association. In paragraph 19 of its public notice, the Commission indicated that it had ".decided not to proceed with this request at this time" because of its plans to issue a call for applications for licences for new specialty audio programming services. |
3. |
The reason provided in PN 2001-82 for postponing consideration of the sponsored request pertaining to Radio France Internationale was incorrect. The postponement was, in fact, due to the Commission's plans, then imminent, to issue a call for comments on a new licensing framework for specialty audio programming services. This call for comments is published today in Public Notice CRTC 2001-85. The addition of Radio France Internationale to the digital list will be considered once the process initiated by the call is completed. |
Secretary General |
This notice is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site: |
Date Modified: 2001-07-25
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