ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-3
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Public Notice CRTC 2001-3 |
Ottawa, 5 January 2001 |
Câble-Axion Digitel inc.; Câble-Axion Québec inc. and its affiliates |
Transfer of control and shares |
1. |
The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A00-0125 dated 21 November 2000, all of the transactions that are part of applications for a change to the effective control of Câble-Axion Digitel inc. (Digitel) as well as Câble-Axion Québec inc. (Québec) and its affiliates. These companies operate broadcasting distribution undertakings in various locations throughout Quebec. |
2. |
The purpose of the applications is to allow the sale to Vidéotron ltée, of the shares of Consortium Câble-Axion Digitel inc. (Consortium), and of the shares in Digitel and Québec not owned by Consortium. Following the transaction, Canadians will control the licensees through Vidéotron ltée. The Commission notes that Vidéotron ltée's control will be subject to a voting trust agreement of which Mr. Serge Gouin is the trustee. This agreement exists as part of the acquisition of Le Groupe Vidéotron ltée by Quebecor Média inc. |
3. |
In view of these transactions, Investissements Novacap inc. is proceeding with a reorganization which transfers the control of Consortium, Digitel and Québec to Novacap Newco Inc., a company which it wholly owns. Following the acquisition, Vidéotron ltée intends to merge all of the licensees acquired with Consortium in order to form Vidéotron (Digitel). |
Secretary General |
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