ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2001-201
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Order CRTC 2001-201 |
Ottawa, 7 March 2001 |
TELUS Integrated Communications (2000) Inc. |
Reference: Tariff Notice 2 |
Proposed tariff revisions to wireless access services and call routing local routing number absent service |
The Commission approves on an interim basis, with the changes noted below, TELUS Integrated Communications (2000) Inc.'s proposed tariff amendments to wireless trunk-side access service provisions and to call routing - location routing number (LRN) absent service rates. |
1. |
TELUS Integrated Communications (2000) Inc.'s(TIC) filed its application on 14 December 2000 under Tariff Notice 2. TIC filed the amendments to reflect the Commission's determinations in Orders CRTC 2000-394 and 2000-395, dated 12 May 2000. |
2. |
Comments were received from Rogers Wireless Inc. (RWI) on 10 January 2001 and from Bell Canada on 15 January 2001, on behalf of itself, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications. |
3. |
RWI and Bell Canada submitted that TIC's proposal to apply a monthly charge to wireless service providers (WSPs) for each telephone number, whether the telephone numbers are located in TIC's switch or the WSP's switch or both, should be removed from the tariff. |
4. |
Bell Canada also submitted the following with respect to TIC's tariff: |
a) the monthly rate for access channel termination and the monthly rates and charges for telephone numbers applies only to line-side access and should be identified as such; | |
b) a note should be included stating that TIC does not provide CCS7 signalling service and that carriers can obtain this service through alternate arrangements including Bell Canada's CCS7 transit service; | |
c) arrangements to obtain directory listings should be provided to wireless service providers according to the competitive local exchange carrier obligations; | |
d) the monthly charge associated with central office (CO) code administration 100/1000 block routing is missing; and | |
e) the call routing - LRN absent rates and charges should indicate that the rates and charges are applicable in Ontario and Quebec. | |
5. |
In TIC's response dated 29 January 2001, the company stated it agrees with RWI and Bell Canada with respect to the monthly telephone number charges and proposes to remove the reference from the tariff. |
6. |
TIC agreed with Bell Canada that the rates for access channel termination and telephone number rates apply only to line-side access arrangements; but noted that these provisions were previously approved by the Commission and it has not made any material changes. However, should the Commission determine that these rates should explicitly identify that they are associated with line-side access only, the company would make the necessary revisions. |
7. |
TIC proposed to include the monthly charge associated with CO code administration 100/1000 block routing in its issued tariff pages. |
8. |
TIC submitted that Bell Canada's request with respect to CCS7 signalling service and WSP directory listings were beyond the scope of the tariff notice. |
9. |
Given that TIC operates only in Ontario and Quebec, it submitted that there was no need to specifically state this in respect of the rates and charges for call routing - LRN absent service. |
10. |
The Commission accepts TIC's proposal with respect to the implementation of the changes to the charges associated with telephone numbers and the inclusion of the monthly charges associated with CO code administration 100/1000 block routing. |
11. |
The Commission notes that WSPs would already have established CCS7 signalling services through the incumbent local exchange carrier and agrees with TIC that a note identifying alternative arrangements to obtain CCS7 signalling services is not required. |
12. |
The Commission considers, for the purpose of clarity, that the tariff should identify which items of the tariff apply to the specific type of interconnection arrangements. |
13. |
In light of the foregoing, the tariff amendments are approved with the following changes: |
1. in the first sentence in Item 300(2)(2), add the words "is associated with line-side interconnection arrangements and" immediately after the words "Access Channel Termination"; | |
2. amend Item 300(2)(5), Telephone numbers, as follows: | |
14. |
TIC is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above. |
Secretary General |
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