ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2001-143
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Order CRTC 2001-143 |
Ottawa, 15 February 2001 |
CRTC approves the OTA's basic listing interchange file and directory file service |
Reference: Tariff Notice 63 |
1. |
On 14 June 2000, the Ontario Telephone Association (now Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA)) filed an application for the approval of the introduction, to its General Tariff, of a directory file service (DFS) and a basic listing interchange file (BLIF) service. |
2. |
On 14 July 2000, Bell Canada filed comments specific to OTA Item 910 of the DFS tariff and to Item 920 of the BLIF tariff. |
3. |
On 14 August 2000, the OTA filed reply comments to the items raised by Bell Canada. The Commission also notes that on 5 July and 31 October 2000, the OTA submitted additional information with regards to rates and charges proposed in the DFS and BLIF application. |
4. |
After considering all comments, the Commission approves the OTA's BLIF and DFS application on a final basis subject to the following modifications to the specific items noted below: |
a) DFS Item 910.09: consistent with the Commission's ruling in Telecom Order CRTC 98-728, the OTA is directed to make DFS available at an individual NXX level. |
c) BLIF Item 920.02 (2): consistent with the terms and conditions approved by the OS/DL SWG for BLIF updates, the OTA is to provide for all options of frequency of updates: daily, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. |
5. |
The OTA is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages reflecting all of the required modifications indicated above. |
6. |
Furthermore, the Commission notes that OTA DFS Item 910.10 (d) and BLIF Item 920.14 (1)(d) propose a $100 monthly minimum fee for each DFS/BLIF update. The OTA indicated that the fee was intended to recover a portion of the cost of the programmer's time for set up and computer usage. |
7. |
The Commission considers that: (1) the cost of programmer's time for set up and computer usage has already been factored into the other proposed directory file and/or a BLIF rates and charges; and (2) such a proposed fee could cause disparity among directory assistance competitors where such a fee is not required. Accordingly, the Commission denies the OTA request for a minimum monthly fee for updates. |
8. |
The Commission notes the references made under DFS Item 910.02 and BLIF Item 920.03 regarding a sublicencing agreement and BLIF agreement. The Commission directs the OTA to file these agreements for approval within 30 days of the date of this order. |
Secretary General |
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