Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-13
See also: 2001-13-1, 2001-13-2, 2001-13-3
Ottawa, 30 November 2001
The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 4 February 2002 at 9:00 a.m., at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, to consider the following:
Trinity Television Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Global Communications Limited (e)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Corus Radio Company
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Rogers Broadcasting Limited (CKY)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Red River College Radio
Winnipeg, Manitoba
CKVN Radiolink System Inc. (e)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
N.I.B. 95.5 Cable FM Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba
HIS Broadcasting Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
MTS Communications Inc. (MTS)
Winnipeg and surrounding areas
Cogeco Câble Canada Inc. Saint-Jérôme-de-Matane, Québec
Cogenard Inc.
Saint-Narcisse-de-Rimouski, Québec
Maritime Broadcasting System Limited
Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Vadivel Kumarasen (e) Across Canada
Across Canada
(e) applications filed electronically
Items 2, 3 and 4 are technically mutually exclusive proposing the use of the frequency 99.1 MHz (channel 256C1). These applications along with items 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be treated as competitive radio applications for Winnipeg.
As is its usual practice, the Commission has made available the Aggregate Financial Data for radio stations licensed to serve Winnipeg and area on the public files of the new radio applications to serve Winnipeg.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-0005-8
Application by TRINITY TELEVISION INC. to carry on an English-language religious television station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on channel 35B with an effective radiated power of 20,000 watts.
The Commission will consider the interventions already received, accepted and filed on the public file for the 15 October 2001 hearing (Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2000-9 dated 10 August 2001) as well as other interventions received in the context of this Public Hearing.
Applicant's address:
1111 Chevrier Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 1Y2
Fax: (204) 949-3334
E-Mail: staff@newday.org
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-1025-5
Application by GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED for a licence to operate an English-language specialty FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 99.1 MHz (channel 256C1) with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts.
The applicant proposes a jazz music service.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
31st Floor
201 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 3L7
Fax: (204) 947-9841
E-Mail: cbell@globaltv.ca
Examination of application:
Global Winnipeg
603 St. Mary's Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-1019-8
Application by CORUS RADIO COMPANY for a licence to operate an English-language FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 99.1 MHz (channel 256C1) with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts.
The applicant proposes an Oldies/Adult Contemporary music service.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
930 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 0P8
Fax: (204) 783-4512
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-0729-4
Application by ROGERS BROADCASTING LIMITED to convert radio station CKY Winnipeg from the AM band to the FM band.
The new station would operate on frequency 99.1 MHz (channel 256C1) with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts.
The applicant proposes a Classic Rock Hits service.
The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of CKY on the FM band for a period of 3 months from the date of implementation.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
This application requires the issuance of a new licence.
Applicant's address:
777 Jarvis Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4Y 3B7
Fax: (416) 935-8288
E-Mail: gmiles@rci.rogers.com
Examination of application:
Rogers Media-Radio
166 Osborne Street, Unit 4
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-1020-6
Application by RED RIVER COLLEGE RADIO, (on behalf of a not-for-profit organization to be incorporated) for a licence to operate an English-language Instructional Campus FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 90.5 MHz (channel 213A1) with an effective radiated power of 201 watts.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
Room FM71
2055 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3H 0J9
Fax: (204) 632-8352
E-Mail: rmcgrego@rrc.mb.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2000-1959-8
Application by CKVN RADIOLINK SYSTEM INC. for a licence to carry on an English-language specialty FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 100.7 MHz (channel 264A) with an effective radiated power of 1,300 watts.
The applicant proposes a format that is described as "easy listening". No more than 55% of the music would be drawn from Category 2.
The applicant is also applying for a condition of licence whereby in those periods of category 2 music consisting of 90% or more, but not exclusively, of music composed before 1956, the Canadian content level is would not be less than 10% on a weekly basis.
Applicant's address:
Box 61016
RPO Grant Park
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3M 3X8
Fax: (204) 889-2586
Examination of application:
Smordin Pauls Law Office
607 - 386 Broadway Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-1021-3
Application by N.I.B. 95.5 CABLE FM INC. for a licence to operate an English-language FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 106.3 MHz (channel 292A) with an effective radiated power of 200 watts.
The applicant proposes a Pop, Rock and Dance as well as a Jazz and Blues music service.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
C/O 30th Floor
360 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 4G1
Fax: (204) 957-0840
E-Mail: paulmccrea@hotmail.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-0228-6
Application by HIS BROADCASTING INC. to carry on an English-language specialty FM radio station in Winnipeg.
The new station would operate on frequency 107.1 MHz (channel 296A) with an effective radiated power of 918 watts.
The applicant proposes a Christian music service.
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
204 - 10 Fort Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1C4
Fax: (204) 772-5854
E-Mail: tomh@escape.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Winnipeg and surrounding areas, Manitoba
Application No. 2001-1097-4
Application by MTS COMMUNICATIONS INC. (MTS) for a broadcasting licence to carry on a regional Class 1 broadcasting distribution undertaking system to serve Region 2 - Prairies area.
As set out in Public Notice CRTC 2001-59, Region 2 consists of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
MTS indicates that, initially, the broadcasting services will be offered in Winnipeg and surrounding areas. The applicant later plans to offer the services in other areas of the province of Manitoba.
The applicant proposes to charge a basic monthly fee of $17.00 for the basic service.
Applicant's address:
P.O. Box 6666
333 Main Street, 4th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3V6
Fax: (204) 775-2560
E-Mail: roy.bruckshaw@mts.mb.ca
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Saint-Jérôme-de-Matane, Québec
Application Nos. 2001-1161-7, 2001-1206-1
Applications by COGECO CÂBLE CANADA INC, on behalf of itself (in the first phase) and on behalf of its subsidiary, COGECO CÂBLE RIMOUSKI Inc. (in the second phase) to:
a) acquire the assets of the cable system serving Saint-Jérome-de-Matane owned by Télécâble Grand-Détour Inc. and
b) transfer the assets from Cogeco Câble Canada Inc. to its subsidiary Cogeco Câble Rimouski Inc.
The applicant is also requesting a licence allowing Cogeco Câble Rimouski Inc to continue the operation of the undertaking upon surrender of the licence issued to Télécâble Grand-Détour Inc.
Applicant's address:
1 Place Ville Marie
Suite 3636
Montréal, Québec
H3B 3P2
Fax: (514) 874-2625
E-Mail: cjolivet@cogeco.com
Examination of applications:
63 Brillant Street
Matane, Québec
Saint-Narcisse-de-Rimouski, Québec
Application No. 2001-1068-5
Application by COGENAR INC to acquire the assets of the cable system serving Saint-Narcisse-de-Rimouski currently held by A.U.L.T. St-Narcisse Inc.
The applicant is also requesting a licence to continue the operation of the undertaking upon surrender of the licence issued to A.U.L.T. St-Narcisse Inc.
Applicant's address:
9 Versant Street
P. O. Box. 1034
St-Narcisse-de-Rimouski (Québec)
G0K 1S2
Examination of application:
Municipal Office
7 Pavillon Street
St-Narcisse-de-Rimouski, Québec
Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Application No. 2001-1154-2
Application by MARITIME BROADCASTING SYSTEM LIMITED to acquire the assets of radio station CJRW-FM Summerside.
The applicant is also requesting a licence to continue the operation of the undertaking, upon surrender of the current licence issued to Gulf Broadcasting Company Limited.
Applicant's address:
5121 Sackville Street
7th Floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 1K1
Fax: (902) 423-2093
E-Mail: mail@mbsradio.com
Examination of application:
763 Water Street
Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Across Canada
Application No. 2001-1146-9
Application by VADIVEL KUMARASEN (on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated) for a licence to operate a national ethnic Category 2 specialty television service to be known as THENDREL TV.
The applicant proposes to offer programming devoted to all aspects of the Tamil culture and entertainment.
90% of the programming broadcast during the broadcast week will be in the Tamil language.
Applicant's address
#202 - 2500 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, Ontario
M1P 2R8
Fax: (416) 445-6857
E-Mail: worldrich75@hotmail.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Decision 2002-288
Across Canada
Application No. 2001-1175-8
Application by CaKBS-TV INC. for a licence to operate a national ethnic Category 2 national Korean-language specialty television service to be known as K&C TV.
The applicant proposes to offer programming targeted to the Korean ethnic group.
Applicant's address:
18 Wynford Drive
Suite 713B
North York, Ontario
M3C 3S2
Fax: (416) 534-0792
E-Mail: kcimmi@on.aibn.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Decision 2002-287
10 January 2002
The intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant ON OR BEFORE the above-mentioned date. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays.
Your intervention will be considered by the Commission, and will form part of the public record of the proceeding without further notification to you, provided the procedure set out below has been followed. You will be contacted only if your submission raises procedural questions.
Submit your written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission in ONLY ONE of the following formats:
CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2
Secretary General - (819) 994-0218
A true copy MUST be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the intervention sent to the Commission.
Where the intervention is filed by electronic means, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of the document, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission.
Please note, that only the documents (applications and interventions) electronically filed will be available on the Commission's web site. You will be able to access these documents by indicating the public notice or the notice of public hearing number.
Each paragraph of the document should be numbered.
Your intervention should clearly identify the application and indicate whether you support or oppose the application, or if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds for your proposal.
In the event that the application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and if you wish to appear, you must provide reasons why your written comments are not sufficient and why an appearance is necessary.
In exceptional circumstances, the Commission may allow an intervenor to present its intervention by teleconference. At the time of filing its intervention, the intervenor must clearly indicate why the Commission should grant such a request.
Persons requiring communications support such as assistive listening devices and sign language interpretation are requested to inform the commission at least twenty (20) days before the commencement of the public hearing so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Documents are available at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within 48 hours, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres.
Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5
Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2
Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423
FAX: (819) 994-0218
Bank of Commerce Building
1809 Barrington Street, Suite 1007
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8
Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997
FAX: (902) 426-2721
405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East
2nd Floor, Suite B2300
Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5
Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316
FAX: (514) 283-3689
55 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
Tel: (416) 952-9096
FAX: (416) 954-6343
Kensington Building
275 Portage Avenue, Suite 1810
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3
Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD: 983-8274
FAX: (204) 983-6317
Cornwall Professional Building
2125 - 11th Avenue, Room 103
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3
Tel: (306) 780-3422
FAX: (306) 780-3319
10405 Jasper Avenue, Suite 520
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4
Tel: (780) 495-3224
FAX: (780) 495-3214
530-580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6
Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD: 666-0778
FAX: (604) 666-8322
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca
Secretary General