ARCHIVED - Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-10-4
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Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-10-4See also: 2000-10, 2001-10-1, 2001-10-2, 2001-10-3, 2001-10-5 |
Ottawa, 4 October 2001 |
Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-10, 2001-10-1, 2001-10-2 and 2001-10-3 dated 14, 18, 20 and 28 September 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19 November 2001, at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Auditorium Room, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces the following: |
8 |
Télémédia Radio inc. (reorganization) |
9 |
Standard Radio Inc. (Télémédia Radio inc.) |
10 |
Standard Radio Inc. (Rogers Broadcasting Limited) |
11 |
Standard Radio Inc. (Newcap) |
12 |
Standard Radio Inc. (CHUM) |
13 |
CHUM Limited (CFWM-FM) |
14 |
Cogeco Inc and/et Bell Globemedia Inc. (TQS) |
15 |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
16 |
Radio Communautaire Missisquoi |
17 |
Seaside Broadcasting Organization |
Hamilton, London, North Bay, Orillia, Pembroke, Sault Ste-Marie, St. Catharines, Sudbury, Timmins and Toronto, Ontario |
Applications by Télémédia Radio Inc. (Télémédia) to undertake a corporate reorganization whereby a general partnership between Télémédia, Télémédia Radio (Québec) Inc. and Télémédia (1998) Inc., as general partners, will be created to acquire the assets of 28 radio stations and related transmitters and one radio network that are currently owned by Télémédia. The Radio assets are located in Ontario and include CKOC-AM, CKLH-FM and CHAM-AM in Hamilton, CKSL-AM, CJBK-AM, CJBX-FM and CIQM-FM in London, CKAT-AM, CKFX-FM and CHUR-FM in North Bay, CICX-FM Orillia, CHVR-FM in Pembroke, CHAS-FM, CJQM-FM and CIRS-AM in Sault Ste. Marie, CKTB-AM, CHTZ-FM and CHRE-FM in St. Catharines, CIGM-AM, CJRQ-FM and CJMX-FM in Sudbury, CKGB-AM, CKGB-FM, CJQQ-FM in Timmins, CJCL-AM and CJEZ-FM in Toronto. The corporate reorganization also includes 2 digital radio stations (CJCL-AM and CJEZ-FM Toronto) and the radio network "Prime Time Sport". |
Télémédia is requesting that licences be issued to the general partners, under the same current terms and conditions, for the above noted broadcast undertakings. |
The proposed corporate reorganization will not result in any change of control or ownership of the above stations as the general partners are ultimately controlled by the de Gaspé Beaubien Family. |
The Commission notes that the corporate reorganization constitutes a preliminary step to the following proposed transactions between Télémédia and Standard Radio Inc. (Standard) and subsequently between Standard and Rogers Broadcasting Limited and between Standard and 3937844 Canada Inc. which are described below. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of applications: |
743 Wellington Road South |
595 Pembroke Street East |
743 Main Street East |
880 LaSalle Boulevard |
7 Progress Drive |
260 2nd Avenue |
642 Great Northern Road |
883 Upper Wentworth Street |
12 Yates Street |
Hamilton, London, North Bay, Orillia, Pembroke, Sault Ste Marie, St. Catharines, Sudbury, Timmins, Toronto, Ontario |
Application Nos. (See attached appendix) |
Application by Standard Radio Inc. (Standard) for authority to acquire from Telemedia Radio Inc. and from its wholly owned subsidiary Telemedia Radio (West) Inc. the assets of 65 radio stations and related transmitters, 3 radio networks and 2 television stations serving communities in Ontario, British Columbia and in Alberta. |
The proposed transaction includes the acquisition of the following undertakings: |
The Commission notes, with regard to Calgary, that Standard would exceed the limit authorized under the Commercial Radio Policy 1998 which limits the number of radio stations in a given language a person is permitted to own or control in markets with 8 or more commercial radio stations to 2 AM and 2 FM stations. In view of this limit, Standard has proposed to sell the asset related to the new licence to 3937844 Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Newcap Inc. |
The Commission notes that when a licence is sold within a relative short time of its issuance, it generally examines the circumstances surrounding the transaction. It may assess different approaches including the surrender of the new licence. |
The Commission notes that pursuant to a sale and purchase agreement between Standard and Newcap, Newcap filed a number of applications for authority to acquire from Standard the asset related to the new licence along with other radio assets in Alberta. |
The Commission also notes that pursuant to a sale and purchase agreement between Standard and Rogers, Rogers Broadcasting Limited ("Rogers") filed a number of applications to acquire from Standard some of the assets described above. |
In the event that the Rogers and/or the Newcap transactions are not approved, Standard requests the Commission's approval to take over and operate all of the above mentioned Telemedia stations. Under this scenario, Standard also requests that an exception to the Commission's common ownership policy be authorized with regard to the number of stations it would own in the Calgary market (3 FM and 1 AM radio stations). |
Standard is requesting that the licences be issued under the same terms and conditions as the current licences. |
The Commission notes that Standard currently owns 13 radio stations and 2 transitional digital radio undertakings across Canada. Standard currently serves the Toronto market with 2 radio stations and a transitional digital radio undertaking. Standard also owns a radio station in Ottawa, 2 radio stations and a transitional digital radio undertaking in Montreal, 2 radio stations in Edmonton and 3 radio stations in Calgary (including the new FM license granted to Standard in March 2001), 1 station in Richmond, 1 station in Vancouver and 1 station in Winnipeg. The Commission also notes that Standard has a 32.54% voting interest in Milestone Radio Inc. which owns CFXJ-FM in Toronto and a 29.9% voting interest in The Haliburton Broadcasting Group Inc. which owns 8 radio stations in Ontario. Standard also owns Standard Broadcast Productions limited which owns the radio network "Command Performance" in Toronto. |
The Commission invites the public to regularly examine the public examination file of the above noted applications in order to become aware of any additional information that could be filed in the future in response to clarification questions from the Commission. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of applications: |
743 Wellington Road South |
595 Pembroke Street East |
12 Yates Street |
2 St. Clair Avenue West |
18520 Stony Plain Road |
203 - 8309 76th Avenue |
4625 Lazelle Avenue |
346 Stiles Place |
350 City Centre |
435 Bernard Avenue |
33 Carmi Avenue |
13415 Rosedale Avenue |
2800 - 31st Street |
1560 Second Avenue |
100 MacDonald Drive |
901 - 102 Avenue |
10532 Alaska Road |
5152 Liard Street |
208 - 1st Street East |
825 - 10th Avenue South |
360 Ross Street |
North Bay, Timmins, Sudbury, Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie and Orillia, Ontario |
The Commission notes that Standard Radio Inc. ("Standard") and Rogers Broadcasting Limited ("RBL") have reached an agreement whereby RBL will acquire some of the radio undertakings in Ontario that are part of the above described transaction proposals between Standard and Telemedia Radio Inc. |
Consequently, RBL filed applications for authority to acquire from Standard the assets of 14 radio stations serving communities in Northern, Central and Southern Ontario and a radio network in Toronto. The proposed transaction includes the assets of CKAT-AM, CKFX-FM and CHUR-FM in North Bay, CKGB-AM/CKGB-FM and CJQQ-FM in Timmins, CIGM-AM, CJRQ-FM and CJMX-FM in Sudbury, CIRS-AM, CHAS-FM and CJQM-FM in Sault Ste. Marie and CICX-FM in Orillia. The transaction also includes CJCL-AM in Toronto and the related transitional digital radio license and the Prime Time Sports Radio Network. |
RBL is requesting that licences be issued under the same terms and conditions as the current licences. |
The Commission notes that the proposed transaction is subject to Commission's approval of the proposed transactions between Standard Radio Inc. and Telemedia Radio Inc. described above. |
RBL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rogers Communication Inc. (Rogers), one of the largest companies in the Canadian communications industry. Rogers is engaged in radio and television broadcasting, tele-shopping, publishing and new media businesses. Rogers is also engaged in cable television, high-speed Internet access and video retailing. In addition, Rogers is engaged in Digital PCS, cellular, messaging and data communications. |
In the Toronto market, through its subsidiary RBL, Rogers currently controls 3 radio stations (CFTR-AM, CHFI-FM and CISS-FM), a digital radio undertaking and a television station (CFMT-TV). Through its subsidiary Rogers Cable Inc., Rogers is also the largest cable distributor in the Toronto market. Rogers currently owns 11 radio stations (including a digital radio network) in the Ontario region. If approved, the current applications will increase to 25 the number of radio stations controlled by Rogers in the province. |
The Commission invites the public to regularly examine the public examination file of the above noted applications in order to become aware of any additional information that could be filed in the future in response to clarification questions from the Commission. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of applications: |
7 Progress Drive |
642 Great Northern Road |
880 Lasalle Boulevard |
260 Second Avenue |
777 Jarvis Street |
40 Holy Street |
Whitecourt, Drumheller, Wainwright, Edson, St-Paul, Westlock, Wetaskiwin, Athabaska, High Prairie, Slave Lake, Hinton, Brooks, Cold Lake/Grand Centre, Steller, Blairmore/Crowsnest, Jasper and Calgary, Alberta |
The Commission notes that Standard Radio Inc. ("Standard") and 3937844 Canada Inc. have reached an agreement whereby 3937844 Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Newcap Inc., will acquire all of the radio undertakings in Alberta (except CFMG-FM in St-Albert) that are part of the above described transaction proposals between Standard and Telemedia Radio Inc. |
Consequently, 3937844 Canada Inc. filed applications for authority to acquire from Standard Radio Inc. the assets of 15 radio stations and related transmitters serving communities in Alberta. The proposed transaction includes the assets of CKDQ-AM in Drumheller, CKSQ-AM in Stettler, CIBQ-AM in Brooks, CHLW-AM in St. Paul, CJCM-AM in Grand Centre (Cold Lake), CKKY-AM in Wainwright, CKJR-AM in Wetaskiwin, CKWA-AM in Slave Lake, CKBA-AM in Athabasca , CFOK-AM in Westlock, CKVH-AM in High Prairie, CJPR-AM in Blairmore, CIYR-AM in Hinton, CJYR-AM in Edson. The transaction also includes the assets for the new Calgary FM radio licence granted to Telemedia Radio (West) Inc. (on behalf of a company to be incorporated) (Decision CRTC 2001-172). |
The Commission notes that when the assets related to a licence are sold within a relative short time of its issuance, it generally examines the circumstances surrounding the transaction, notably, the value of the transaction between Standard and Newcap. |
3937844 Canada Inc. is requesting that licences be issued under the same terms and conditions as the current licences. |
3937844 Canada Inc. is owned by Newcap Inc. (with 76.34% voting interests) and by Standard Radio Inc. (with 23.66% voting interests). |
The Commission notes that the proposed transaction is subject to the Commission's approval of the proposed transactions between Standard Radio Inc. and Telemedia Radio Inc. described above. |
Newcap Inc. currently owns 3 radio stations in Alberta (CKRA-FM and CIRK-FM in Edmonton and CFCW-AM in Camrose), 16 radio stations in Newfoundland, 2 stations in Nova Scotia and 1 station in Prince Edward. It also has 62.2% voting interest in 2 stations serving Moncton in New Brunswick. In Decision CRTC 2001-628 issued today, the Commission approved an application for a new FM in Ottawa, Ontario. |
The Commission invites the public to regularly examine the public examination file of the above noted applications in order to become aware of any additional information that could be filed in the future in response to clarification questions from the Commission. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of applications: |
515 Highway 10 East |
4703 - 58th Street |
403 - 2nd Avenue West |
4341 - 50th Avenue |
5412 - 55th A Street |
1037 - 2nd Avenue |
5220 - 51st Avenue |
207 - 201 Main Street North East |
4818 - 49th Street |
10030 - 106th Street |
4833 - 52nd Avenue |
13217 - 20th Avenue |
102 - 506 Carmichael Lane |
4813 - 4th Avenue |
Montréal, Quebec |
Application by Standard Radio Inc. ("Standard") for authority to acquire the assets of the radio station CHOM-FM Montreal from CHUM Limited ("CHUM"). |
The Commission notes that the proposed transaction relates to the sale and exchange agreement between Standard and CHUM whereby Standard has agreed to acquire the assets of CHOM-FM Montreal in exchange for its station CFWM-FM Winnipeg. Standard agreed to pay an additional amount of $8 million to compensate for the difference in value of the 2 stations exchanged. As described below, an application by CHUM to this effect has been filed concurrently with the present application by Standard. |
The Commission notes that the current application by Standard and the application by CHUM for authority to acquire CFWM-FM Winnipeg are non-severable. |
Standard is requesting that a licence be issued under the same terms and conditions as the current licence. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of application: |
Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Application by CHUM LIMITED ("CHUM ") for authority to acquire the assets of the radio station CFWM-FM Winnipeg from Standard Radio Inc. ("Standard"). |
The Commission notes that the proposed transaction relates to the sale and exchange agreement between Standard and CHUM whereby CHUM has agreed to acquire CFWM-FM from Standard. As described above, Standard filed an application to this effect, concurrently with the present application. |
The Commission notes that the current application by CHUM and the application by Standard for authority to acquire CHOM-FM Montreal are unseverable. The Commission also notes that CHUM would own 3 radio stations in Winnipeg as allowed under the common ownership policy as described in the Commercial Radio Policy 1998 (Public NoticeCRTC 1998-41). |
The Commission notes that the current application by CHUM and the application by Standard for authority to acquire CHOM-FM Montréal are non-severable. |
CHUM is requesting that a licence be issued under the same terms and conditions as the current licence. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of application: |
Montréal, Rimouski, Québec, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Chicoutimi/Jonquière, Quebec |
Application by Cogeco Inc. ("Cogeco") and Bell Globemedia Inc. ("Bell Globemedia"), on behalf of their respective subsidiaries and on behalf of a company to be incorporated ("Acquisition TQS") (collectively referred to as "the applicant") for authority to acquire effective control of TQS Inc. by purchasing 1,599,793 common shares with voting rights (i.e., 85.99% of all issued and outstanding shares). Those shares are currently held in trust by Mr. Pierre Hébert pursuant to the trust arrangement approved by the Commission on 13 September 2000. |
The Commission notes that Cogeco Radio Television Inc. (CRTI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cogeco, will hold 60% of the shares of Acquisition TQS. CTV Television Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of CTV Inc., which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bell Globemedia, will hold the remaining 40%. The Commission also notes that Acquisition TQS will hold 98.91% of the shares of TQS Inc. after the successive transfers of the TQS Inc. shares currently held by Cogeco (12%) to CRTI, and then from CRTI to Acquisition TQS. |
The proposed change in control is in response to Decision CRTC 2001-384 authorizing the transfer of effective control of TVA to Quebecor Média Inc. in which the Commission imposed a condition precedent requiring that the control of TQS inc. be transferred to a third party. |
The Commission notes that TQS Inc. is the licensee for the TQS network, station CFJP-TV in Montreal, its retransmitter CJPC-TV in Rimouski, and station CFAP-TV in Quebec City. TQS Inc. also has a 20% interest in Canal Indigo, a pay-per-view specialty television service. |
The applicant requests that the conditions of licence 2, 3 and 4 with respect to the Board of Directors, the Code of Ethics and the monitoring committee which are listed in Decision CRTC 2001-418 and applicable to TQS network, CFJP-TV station Montréal and its transmitters CJPC-TV Rimouski as well as CFAP-TV station Quebec be removed. The applicant undertakes to continue to abide by and apply all other applicable conditions of licence. |
The application also proposes the transfer of the assets of stations affiliated with the TQS network and with the Société Radio Canada network and currently owned by CRTI (i.e., CKTM-TV and CFKM-TV in Trois-Rivières, CKSH-TV and CFKS-TV in Sherbrooke, and CKTV-TV and CFRS-TV in Chicoutimi/Jonquière) to TQS Inc. The assets of those affiliates will be transferred in two steps, i.e., first to Acquisition TQS, and then to TQS Inc. |
The applicant also requests issuance of new licences for the affiliated stations under the name of Acquisition TQS and subsequently TQS inc. |
The Commission invites the public to regularly examine the public examination file of the above noted applications in order to become aware of any additional information that could be filed in the future in response to clarification questions from the Commission. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of applications: |
1305 Sainte-Foy Street |
3720 Industriel Boulevard |
4141 Saint-Jean Boulevard |
2303 Sir Wilfrid Laurier |
384 dela Cathédrale Avenue |
Montreal and Cowansville (including Granby and Sutton), Quebec |
Application by CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION relating to CBME-FM Montreal. |
The licensee proposes to add an FM transmitter atCowansville to offer the programming of CBME-FM Montreal Radio One service. |
The transmitter will operate on frequency 101.9 MHz (channel 270B1L) with an effective radiated power of 3,400 watts. |
The addition of the transmitter will require an amendment to the licence of CBME-FM Montreal, the originating station. |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. |
Licensee's address: |
Examination of application: |
Lac-Brome (including Sutton, Cowansville and Mansonville), Quebec |
Application by RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE MISSISQUOI for a licence to carry on an English-language Type A community FM radio station in Lac-Brome (including Sutton, Cowansville and Mansonville). |
The new station would operate on frequency 101.9 MHz (channel 270A) with an effective radiated power of 800 watts. |
This application was first scheduled to be heard at a public hearing on 26 March 2001 (Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-2, 26 January 2001) but was withdrawn upon receipt of interventions. |
The Commission will consider the interventions already received, accepted and filed on the public file for the 26 March 2001 hearing as well as other interventions received in the context of this Public Hearing. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of application: |
Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia |
Application by SEASIDE BROADCASTING ORGANIZATION for a licence to operate an English-language low-power FM Type B community radio programming undertaking at Eastern Passage. |
The new station would operate on frequency 94.7 MHz (channel 234LP) with an effective radiated power of 50 watts. |
The Commission will only proceed with this application at the public hearing if advised by the Department of Industry, at least ten days prior to the hearing, that it is technically acceptable. |
Applicant's address: |
Examination of application: |
The intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant ON OR BEFORE the above-mentioned date. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays. |
Your intervention will be considered by the Commission, and will form part of the public record of the proceeding without further notification to you, provided the procedure set out below has been followed. You will be contacted only if your submission raises procedural questions. |
Submit your written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission in ONLY ONE of the following formats: |
A true copy MUST be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the intervention sent to the Commission. |
Where the intervention is filed by electronic means, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of the document, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission. |
Please note, that only the documents (applications and interventions) electronically filed will be available on the Commission's web site. You will be able to access these documents by indicating the public notice or the notice of public hearing number. |
Each paragraph of the document should be numbered. |
Your intervention should clearly identify the application and indicate whether you support or oppose the application, or if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds for your proposal. |
In the event that the application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and if you wish to appear, you must provide reasons why your written comments are not sufficient and why an appearance is necessary. |
In exceptional circumstances, the Commission may allow an intervenor to present its intervention by teleconference. At the time of filing its intervention, the intervenor must clearly indicate why the Commission should grant such a request. |
Persons requiring communications support such as assistive listening devices and sign language interpretation are requested to inform the commission at least twenty (20) days before the commencement of the public hearing so that the necessary arrangements can be made. |
Documents are available at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within 48 hours, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres. |
Central Building |
Bank of Commerce Building |
405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East |
55 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 624 |
Kensington Building |
Cornwall Professional Building |
10405 Jasper Avenue, Suite 520 |
530-580 Hornby Street |
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: |
Secretary General |
2001-0974-5 |
Hamilton, ON CKOC-AM |
2001-0975-3 |
Hamilton, ON CKLH-FM |
2001-0976-1 |
Hamilton, ON CHAM |
2001-0977-9 |
London, ON CKSL |
2001-0978-7 |
London, ON CJBK |
2001-0979-5 |
London, ON CJBX-FM |
2001-0980-3 |
London, ON CIQM-FM |
2001-1029-7 |
North Bay, ON CKAT |
2001-1030-5 |
North Bay, ON CKFX-FM |
2001-1121-1 |
Orillia, ON CICX-FM |
2001-1031-2 |
North Bay, ON CHUR-FM |
2001-0981-0 |
Pembroke, ON CHVR-FM |
2001-1033-8 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CHAS-FM |
2001-1034-6 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CJQM-FM |
2001-1035-4 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CIRS |
2001-0982-8 |
St. Catharines, ON CKTB |
2001-0983-6 |
St. Catharines, ON CHTZ-FM |
2001-0984-4 |
St. Catharines, ON CHRE-FM |
2001-1036-2 |
Sudbury, ON CIGM |
2001-1037-0 |
Sudbury, ON CJRQ-FM |
2001-1038-8 |
Sudbury, ON CJMX-FM |
2001-1039-6 |
Timmins, ON CKGB |
2001-1040-4 |
Timmins, ON CKGB-FM |
2001-1041-1 |
Timmins, ON CJQQ-FM |
2001-1042-9 |
Toronto, ON CJCL |
2001-1043-7 |
Toronto, ON CJCL (Digital radio) |
2001-0985-2 |
Toronto, ON CJEZ-FM |
2001-0986-0 |
Toronto, ON CJEZ-FM (Digital radio) |
2001-0987-8 |
Edmonton (St. Albert), AB CFMG-FM |
2001-1045-3 |
Drumheller, AB CKDQ |
2001-1046-1 |
Stettler, AB CKSQ |
2001-1047-9 |
Brooks, AB CIBQ |
2001-1122-9 |
Calgary, AB New FM licence |
2001-1048-7 |
St. Paul, AB CHLW |
2001-1049-5 |
Grand Centre (Cold Lake), AB CJCM |
2001-1050-3 |
Wainwright, AB CKKY |
2001-1051-0 |
Wetaskiwin, AB CKJR |
2001-1052-8 |
Slave Lake, AB CKWA |
2001-1053-6 |
Athabasca, AB CKBA |
2001-1054-4 |
Westlock, AB CFOK |
2001-1055-2 |
High Prairie, AB CKVH |
2001-1056-0 |
Blairmore/Elkford, AB CJPR |
2001-1057-8 |
Hinton, AB CIYR |
2001-1058-6 |
Edson, AB CJYR |
2001-0988-6 |
Princeton, BC CIOR |
2001-0989-4 |
Terrace, BC CFTK |
2001-0990-2 |
Prince Rupert, BC CHTK |
2001-0991-9 |
Kitimat, BC CKTK |
2001-0992-7 |
Terrace, BC CJFW-FM |
2001-0993-5 |
Kelowna, BC CKBL |
2001-0994-3 |
Kelowna, BC CHSU-FM |
2001-0995-1 |
Penticton, BC CJMG-FM |
2001-0996-9 |
Penticton, BC CKOR |
2001-0997-7 |
Summerland, BC CHOR |
2001-0998-5 |
Osoyoos, BC CJOR |
2001-0999-3 |
Vernon, BC CICF |
2001-1000-1 |
Trail, BC CJAT-FM |
2001-1001-5 |
Nelson, BC CKKC |
2001-1002-3 |
Dawson Creek, BC CJDC |
2001-1003-1 |
Fort St-John, BC CKNL |
2001-1004-9 |
Fort Nelson, BC CKRX-FM |
2001-1005-7 |
Fort St. John, BC CHRX-FM |
2001-1006-5 |
Revelstoke, BC CKCR |
2001-1007-3 |
Golden, BC CKGR |
2001-1008-1 |
Salmon Arm, BC CKXR |
2001-1009-9 |
Fort St.John, BC Originating from CHRX-FM |
2001-1010-7 |
Penticton, BC Originating from CKOR-AM |
2001-1044-5 |
Toronto, ON Prime Time Sports Network |
2001-1017-2 |
Dawson Creek, BC CJDC-TV |
2001-1018-0 |
Terrace, BC CFTK-TV |
2001-0956-3 |
Drumheller, AB CKDQ |
2001-0957-1 |
Wainwright, AB CKKY |
2001-0958-9 |
Edson, AB CJYR & (CFYR-FM, CKYR & CKYR-1 Transmitters) |
2001-0959-7 |
St. Paul, AB CHLW |
2001-0960-5 |
Westlock, AB CFOK |
2001-0961-2 |
Wetaskiwin, AB CKJR |
2001-0962-0 |
Athabaska, AB CKBA |
2001-0963-8 |
High Prairie, AB CKVH |
2001-0964-6 |
Slave Lake, AB CKWA |
2001-0965-4 |
Hinton, AB CIYR |
2001-0966-2 |
Brooks, AB CIBQ |
2001-0967-0 |
Cold Lake/Grand Centre, AB CJCM |
2001-0968-8 |
Stettler, AB CKSQ |
2001-0969-6 |
Blairmore/Crowsnest, AB (Elkford - Transmitters) CJPR (CJEV - Transmitter) |
2001-0970-4 |
Calgary, AB New Calgary FM |
2001-0938-1 |
North Bay, ON CKAT |
2001-0939-9 |
North Bay, ON CKFX-FM |
2001-0940-7 |
North Bay, ON CHUR-FM |
2001-0941-4 |
Timmins, ON CKGB |
2001-0942-2 |
Timmins, ON CKGB-FM |
2001-0943-0 |
Timmins, ON CJQQ-FM |
2001-0944-8 |
Sudbury, ON CIGM |
2001-0945-6 |
Sudbury, ON CJRQ-FM |
2001-0946-4 |
Sudbury, ON CJMX-FM |
2001-0947-2 |
Toronto, ON CJCL |
2001-0948-0 |
Toronto, ON CJCL (Digital) |
2001-0949-8 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CIRS |
2001-0950-6 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CHAS-FM |
2001-0951-3 |
Sault Ste. Marie, ON CJQM-FM |
2001-0952-1 |
Orillia, ON CICX-FM |
2001-0953-9 |
Toronto, ON Prime Time Sports |
Date Modified: 2001-10-04
- Date modified: