ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8665-S49-01/01 - Access to Bell Canada'sTelecommunications Service for Blind Persons - Further to correspondence fromMr. Chris Stark dated 19 August 2001 and 12 October 2001

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Ottawa, 15 November 2001

Our file: 8665-S49-01/01

Mr. David Palmer
Regulatory Matters
Bell Canada
105, rue Hôtel-de-Ville
6e étage
Hull, Québec
J8X 4H7

- and -

Mr. Chris Stark
108 Kinmount Private
Kanata, Ontario
K2T 1K1

Dear Sirs:

Re : Access to Bell Canada's Telecommunications Service for Blind Persons

The Commission is in receipt of correspondence from Mr. Chris Stark dated 19 August 2001 and 12 October 2001 providing further information concerning the Part VII application noted above.

It is our understanding that Bell Canada has endeavoured to assist Mr. Stark in resolving some of the issues outlined in the original application and subsequent correspondence to the Commission. However, Mr. Stark has indicated that Bell's actions have not fully met his needs. Please report on the status of each issue raised in Mr. Stark's application, with the exception of those items concerning Bell ExpressVu which are being considered as a complaint under the Broadcasting Act. The report should for each issue set out:

  1. Steps Bell has taken in response to Mr. Stark's concerns;
  2. Bell's view of whether the issue has been resolved and , if it has, the basis for this conclusion; and
  3. Where an issue has not been resolved, Bell's intended next steps, including expected time frames; or
  4. Reasons why it intends no further action on the particular issue.

Please provide the Commission with Bell Canada's answer within 20 days and copy Mr. Stark with an electronic copy at the email address noted above. Mr. Stark may reply with 10 days of receipt of Bell Canada's submission, copying Bell Canada. In reply, Mr. Stark is requested, issue by issue, to indicate his agreement or disagreement with Bell. If he disagrees, Mr. Stark should provide:

  1. The basis of his disagreement; and
  2. What, in his view, Bell should do to resolve the issue.

With regards to Mr. Stark's most recent letter to the Commission of 22 October 2001, Commission staff considers that this raises a separate matter more appropriately dealt with by the CRTC complaints group. A letter to Bell, copying Mr. Stark, has been sent on this issue.

Questions regarding this procedure or electronic information should be addressed to:


Campbell Laidlaw
Policy, Numbering Administration & Consumer Affairs

c.c.: Darren Goodyear - CRTC - (819) 994-5174

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