Ottawa, 13 November 2001
Our file: 8665-B20-01/99
Mr. David Palmer
Regulatory Matters
Bell Canada
105, rue Hôtel-de-Ville
6e étage
Hull, Québec
J8X 4H7
Subject : Modifications to the Affordability Monitoring Reports
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Further to our letter of 24 October 2001, some adjustments are required to the affordability monitoring reports which are filed pursuant to CRTC Decision Telecom 96-10 and Telecom Orders 97-1214 and 2000-393.
Please find attached the necessary modifications. These changes are meant to ensure that the Canadian public have access to more comprehensible data, that the reports offer a historical perspective, and that the overall coherence of the reporting methods is enhanced.
In this regard, please file the modified report with the Commission on or before 15 December 2001.
Campbell Laidlaw
Policy, Numbering Administration & Consumer Affairs
c.c.:Philippe Tousignant - CRTC (819) 997-1334
Darren Goodyear - CRTC (819) 994-5174
Modifications to the Affordability Monitoring Reports - November 2001
Starting with the 2001 annual report, all forthcoming annual reports should include the following:
- A table reporting the national household penetration rates of wireline telephone per income quintile, starting in 1995 to the latest available period, using revised data (i.e. based on the 1996 census, when available and applicable). This table is to contain data reported in the merged Household Facilities and Equipment/Facility Expenditures Survey (HFE/FAMEX) surveys and the Survey of Household Spending (SHS). For year(s) where data per quintile is not available, use a reasonable alternative, stating the rationale, including assumptions.
- In a separate table, break down the above data at the provincial and territorial level.
- In a separate table, report on the national wireless telephone penetration rates per income quintile, at the national, provincial and territorial, using revised data (i.e. based on the 1996 census, when available and applicable) for the years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 based on the HIFE and SHS. For year(s) where data per quintile is not available, use a reasonable alternative, stating the rationale, including assumptions.
- In a separate table, provide a break down of the lowest income quintile identified in 1 and 3, by type of dwelling, age, source of revenue and size of family.
- In a separate table, report the percentage of household spending on telephone service for years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 per income quintile. Provide details of all telecommunications services included in the calculation and state changes in the surveyed services, if applicable. Use revised data (i.e. based on the 1996 census when available and applicable) based on the HIFE and SHS. For years where data per quintile is not available, use a reasonable alternative, stating the rationale, including assumptions.
- In all the above tables (1 to 5) state the appropriate margin of error associated with a statistic. For example: 98.5% (+/-X%). This requirement applies also for data reported based on Residential Telephone Service Survey (RTSS).
- In the report, when making international comparisons, state all limitations or methodological considerations pertinent to the accuracy of such comparisons. Also, when stating figures in non-Canadian currency, always provide a Canadian dollar equivalent and include the detail of the calculation. For example: $20, 000US ($33,000CDN, 1:1.65). This requirement applies also for all forthcoming quarterly reports.
- If SHS data for the year 2000 is available before 15 December 2001, include it in the 2001 annual report. If not, file an update of above table (1) of national household penetration rates within 10 days of receiving the data.
Bill Management Tools Tracking Report
Report on Bill Management Tools using the a per-thousand residential NAS methodology:
- Provide the take rate for installation payment plan (IPP), calculated according to the following two methods:
- The total number of residential subscribers who availed themselves of the IPP during the calendar year divided by the total number of new residential subscribers in that calendar year (expressed as a percentage).
- The total number of residential subscribers who availed themselves of the IPP during the calendar year divided by the total residential NAS as at year end (expressed as a per thousand).
- For Toll restrict:
a) The total number of residential subscribers who subscribed to this option at their own initiative to in the calendar year divided by the total residential NAS at year end (expressed as a per thousand);
b) The total number of residential subscribers who subscribed to this option at the company's initiative in the calendar year divided by the total residential NAS at year end (expressed as a per thousand); and
c) The total number of residential subscribers who subscribed to this option (both at their own initiative and the company's) in the calendar year divided by the total residential NAS at year end (expressed as a per thousand).