ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8654-s22-02/01 - 2000 Split Rate Base(SRB) Manual
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LetterDecision CRTC 20001-328 Our File: 8654-S22-02/01 Ottawa, 7 June 2001 BY TELECOPIER
Ms. Leanne K. Johns Dear Ms. Johns: Subject: 2000 Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual On 2 April 2001, the Commission received an application dated 31 March 2001 from Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), in which it submitted, for Commission approval, its proposed 2000 SRB Manual in its entirety. The Commission has reviewed SaskTel's submission and approves the 2000 SRB Manual as submitted. Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke
c.c.: Doug DuFeu, CRTC, (819) 997-4603
L. Meduri D. DuFeu (n:\user\e&e\dd\Phase III\ SaskTel 2000 SRB Manual letter) Chron Jan (3) |
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