In the last paragraph on the "proprietary warning" page, add "(CRTC 21270)" after the words "General Tariff".
2. 2
Generally, throughout the document, where applicable, the reference to the term "IXC" should be replaced with the term "AC".
Amend item 1.1 as follows:
i) in the first sentence, replace the "local exchange carriers (LECs)" with "incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs)";
ii) in the third sentence, add the words "or a 101XXX" after "10XXX";
iii) add the following sentence to the end of the item:
"The processing of AC PIC orders and the exchange of related data is referred to as PIC/CARE.";
iv) insert the following as the second paragraph immediately after the first sentence:
"Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 (Local competition) required competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) to provide equal access to interexchange service providers (access carriers (ACs)) at terms and conditions that are equivalent to the terms and conditions that are contained in the ILECs tariffs. Telecom Order CRTC 99-379 confirmed that the requirement to provide equal access did not extend to resellers of local service."; and
v) add the following as the last paragraph:
"The following are additional CRTC decisions and documents that were also relevant in creating the business guideline for long distance service PIC selection:
· 95-5 - Disconnection of equal access service providers and transfer of customer base between equal access service providers
· 97-6 - Unbundled rates to provide equal access
· 97-16 - Quality of service indicators for use in telephone company regulation
· PIC and CARE definitions
· LEC - IXC Agreement and PIC processing schedules".
In items 1.3 and 1.4, if available, provide a facsimile number and an email address for contacting EastLink.
In items 1.4 and 1.6, replace "EastLink's Carrier Access Tariff" with "Part C, item 301.3 of EastLink's General Tariff (CRTC 21270)".
Replace item 2.1, Carrier identification code (CIC codes) with the following:
"In order for an AC to offer equal access and PIC processing, it must obtain a carrier identification code (CIC). The assignment and management of CIC codes is administered by the Canadian Numbering Administrator
(CNA). Canadian applicants shall submit all applications for North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) administered resources directly to the CNA for processing.
For further information, refer to the Carrier Identification Code Assignment Guidelines developed by the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) and the Canadian Adjunct to the INC Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines."
In the first paragraph of item 2.4, add the words "60 days" immediately before the word "prior".
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph in item 2.4:
"Any changes to the AC's CARE profile must be identified by the AC and provided to EastLink at least 30 calendar days prior to the requested date of the changes."
In section 3, replace each occurrence of the phase "billing account number (BAN)" with "billing telephone number (BTN)".
Replace the first paragraph of item 3.1 with the following:
"PIC/CARE enables the establishment and maintenance of end user PIC selections and the exchange of customer information between EastLink and the AC. Details in this section include:".
In item 3.2, delete the words "as reflected" and replace "General EastLink Tariff" with "EastLink General Tariff (CRTC 21270)".
Replace the first paragraph in item 3.3 with the following:
"The PIC/CARE capabilities available to an AC include the following:"
Item 3.6 refers to the "Customer record database" while item 3.8 refers to the "PIC/CARE administrative database". If the two databases are the same, the same title should be used for both.
In item 3.7, replace the words "the EastLink Carrier Access Tariff" with "Part C, item 303 of the EastLink General Tariff (CRTC 21270)".
Replace item 3.10 with the following:
"The PIC/CARE processing transactions supported by EastLink use a set of predefined transaction codes (TC) and associated status indicators (SI), data elements and record formats based on CARE specifications within the equal access subscription CARE/industry support interface.
Transaction codes and status indicators are used by EastLink to manage AC to LEC and LEC to AC exchange of PIC data and end-user information.
See appendix B for the TCSIs supported by EastLink."
In section 4, replace each occurrence of the acronym "BAN" with "BTN".
In Item 4.1, add the following paragraph immediately after the third paragraph:
"Based on the AC's option identified in the access customer CARE profile, EastLink will:
· confirm successful receipt of valid batches to the AC (send/receive CIC option);
· verify the sequence numbers of batches received to ensure that batches are not missed or a duplicate (batch sequence check option); and
· return all or part of a rejected batch (return rejected batch option)."
In the third paragraph of item 4.7, add the following after the words "desired due date, EastLink":
"will verify that the requested date provides the minimum time required to complete the provisioning and"
In the first sentence of item 5.1, add the following immediately after the term "AC":
", using the appropriate transaction code,".
In item 5.2, add the following to the end of the last sentence in the first paragraph:
"and the AC serves the new location".
In the bulleted list in item 6.1, replace "customer account number (BAN)" with "billing telephone number (BTN)".
Add the following paragraph to the end of item 7.5:
"The AC is responsible for correcting information in error and for renegotiating any affected service dates with the end-customer and adjusting, where appropriate, any desired due dates."
Replace the sentence in item 7.8 with the following:
"Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16 and Decision CRTC 2000-24, EastLink will ensure that the one-time activation of PICs for alternate providers of long distance service (APLDS) (Indicator 1.7) standard will be achieved on at least 90% of all PIC processing requests."
Amend item 8.4 as follows:
i) replace the words "billing account number (BAN)" with "billing telephone number (BTN)"; and
ii) replace the acronym "BAN" with "BTN".
In item 14.1 provide the specific information relating to address, facsimile number, email address and telephone number.
Item 14.5 refers to a "PIC/CARE manager". If this is a different contact than the "provisioning manager" referred to in items 14.1 to 14.3, provide the appropriate contact information. If the two positions are the same, replace "PIC/CARE manager" with "provisioning manager".
Add the following sentence to the end of item 14.7:
"For more information, see schedule H, section B of the Master Agreement for Local Interconnection."
Add the following to section 15.0, Glossary:
i) CLEC: Competitive local exchange carrier - also referred to as AP in this Handbook; and
ii) ILEC: Incumbent local exchange carrier.