ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-268

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Decision CRTC 2001-268

Ottawa, 15 May 2001 

Reference: 8662-V21-01/01

To: Interested parties

Re: NPA 604 Relief - permissive dialling announcement

The Commission received two applications regarding Order CRTC 2000-786. This order established a relief method and relief date for area code 604 and, among other things, required the implementation of a permissive dialling network announcement. (Permissive dialling is a temporary arrangement that permits call completion by dialling either seven or 10 digits.) A recorded network announcement was to be introduced by 26 May 2001. The announcement would precede the completion of a local call dialled using seven numbers in the 604 area-code region. This arrangement would remain in effect until the new area code is introduced on 3 November 2001.

Mr. Baxter's application

In his application of 25 March 2001, Mr. Robert Baxter of Vancouver Fire and Security requested a deferral of the date for the network announcement from no later than 26 May 2001 to no later than 15 September 2001. The delay is being sought to provide the alarm and security industry additional time to reprogram the "more than 100,000 transmitters" that Mr. Baxter suggested are being used in the 604 area-code region, which could be affected by the network announcement. Mr. Baxter also raised a number of concerns regarding the readiness of the alarm industry, and the impact the permissive announcement could have on the safety and security of individuals. A process was initiated to seek comments on this application. Comments were due by 20 April 2001 and reply comments by 27 April 2001.

Comments were received from Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Intrigna Inc., MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies), the Canadian Alarm and Security Association, Protection One Vancouver, ACME Protection Services, Call-Net, AT&T Canada and TELUS.

The Commission has fully considered Mr. Baxter's application as well as all of the submissions filed by the interested parties. In this instance, the Commission has determined that deferring the introduction of the announcement to no sooner than 11 August 2001 and no later than 18 August 2001 would be in the best interest of the public. The Commission urges the alarm industry to continue to work with the service providers in the 604 area-code region to ensure the smooth implementation of area code relief. All parties should ensure that changes required to equipment and systems are implemented in such a fashion as to mitigate any potential impact on the general public.

TELUS application

In its application of 3 April 2001, TELUS sought permission to introduce the permissive dialling network announcement in the 604 area-code region over a six-day period. A process was initiated to seek comments on this application. Comments were due by 23 April 2001 and reply comments by 30 April 2001.

Comments were received from the Companies. No reply comments were filed.

The Commission approves TELUS' request to phase in the announcement associated with permissive dialling over a six-day period, provided the announcement is in placeno sooner than 11 August 2001 and no later than 18 August 2001 in all switching entities in the 604 area-code region.

With regard to the Companies' suggestion that a phased-in introduction of the permissive announcement be made a standard, the Commission notes that each relief situation has unique aspects that must be considered when establishing a relief plan. The Commission invites the various NPA Relief CISC Ad hoc committees to evaluate the appropriateness of "phasing" the permissive announcement and include its recommendations in the implementation plans it forwards, via the CISC process to the Commission for its approval.

Ursula Menke
Secretary General

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