ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-545
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Decision CRTC 2001-545Ottawa, 31 August 2001
Mr. Anthony P. Viner
Dear Mr. Viner: This is to inform you that the Commission has decided, by majority vote, that it is prepared to issue a licence to the Biography Channel, conditional upon the change you proposed for article 3.15 of the shareholders' agreement being effected. The current wording reads as follows:
The current wording of that article could be interpreted as providing the class B non-voting shares with voting power at meetings of shareholders. You proposed a new article 3.15 to replace the current article 3.15. The wording you proposed for the new article is:
With the change noted above, the Commission would be satisfied that The Biography Channel meets the requirements of the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility of Non-Canadians). The Commission notesthat the allocation of a number of powers and rights to class B non-voting shares results in a structure which could place the non-Canadian shareholder in a position of significant influence over the operations of the corporation, though not in a position of control. In the future, the Commission will continue to closely review and assess on a case-by-case basis situations where a particular non-Canadian shareholder is given significant influence, in order to determine whether, in the circumstances, such influence amounts to control of the licensee. Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke Date Modified: 2001-08-31 |
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