ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-447

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Ottawa, 26 July 2001

Decision CRTC 2001-447

Mr. Anthony Zwig
2300 Yonge Street
Suite 801, P.O. Box 2300
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 1E4

Dear Mr. Zwig:

Re: Application 2001-0781-4
      Approval - Extension of time limit to 11 November 2001
      CHCQ Ltd. (CHCQ-FM) Belleville, Ontario

We are pleased to inform you that the Commission approves your request for an extension of time limit to implement the FM Radio programming undertaking at Belleville, Ontario.

The Commission grants a three month extension of time limit, namely until 11 November 2001.

This extension does not of course, relieve you of your responsibility to implement the authority to operate the radio programming undertaking at Belleville at the earliest possible date.

Should the completion of new installations not be completed within the period stipulated in this letter or, should the Commission refuse to approve an extension requested by the licensee, the licence will not be issued.

As stipulated in the approval decision, the authority will only be effective and the licence will only be issued at such time as the construction of the undertaking is completed and it is prepared to commence operation. Consequently, the applicant is required to advise the Commission, in writing, once it has completed construction and is prepared to commence operation of the undertaking, at which time, the Commission will issue the licence.

The Commission also requires you to append this decision to the licence of your undertaking or, in the case where a licence has not yet been issued,at the original decision granting you a licence.


Ursula Menke
Secretary General

Date Modified: 2001-07-27

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