ARCHIVED - Costs Order CRTC 2001-10

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Costs Order CRTC 2001-10

Ottawa, 17 July 2001
Québec-Téléphone's business rate restructuring proposal
Reference: 8740-Q1-0280/00, 8740-Q1-0281/00, 8740-Q1-0282/00 and 4754-188
Application for costs by Action Réseau Consommateur (ARC)


The Commission received an application from ARC, dated 22 March 2001, for costs associated with its participation in Tariff Notices 280, 281/A and 282 filed 1 August 2000 by Québec-Téléphone, which is now known as TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.


ARC submitted that it satisfies the three criteria for an award of costs under subsection 44(1) of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules). Further, ARC requested that its costs in the amount of $2,015.65 be fixed so as to dispense with the process of taxation.


ARC served its costs application on TELUS Québec. Since TELUS Québec was the only carrier concerned by the proceeding, it was the appropriate respondent to ARC's costs application.


TELUS Québec did not file a reply.

Commission determination


The Commission considers that ARC's efforts in this proceeding contributed to a better understanding by the Commission of the issues. In particular, its submission exposed the potential impact that TN 282 would have on residential subscribers. ARC submitted that it would be inappropriate to allow Québec-Téléphone to proceed with its business rate restructuring while allowing it to fund the restructuring through a local residential rate increase.


In the Commission's view, ARC has met the three requirements of subsection 44(1) of the Rules. Accordingly, an award of costs is warranted in the circumstances.


Given the size of ARC's claim and the relative brevity of this proceeding, the Commission considers that this is an appropriate case in which to dispense with taxation and fix the costs in accordance with the streamlined procedure set out in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 98-11, New procedure for Telecom costs awards, dated 15 May 1998.


The Commission has examined the amounts claimed by ARC and considers them to be both reasonable and necessarily incurred.

Direction as to costs


The application for an award of costs in respect of the above-mentioned proceeding is approved. Pursuant to subsection 56(1) of the Telecommunications Act, the Commission fixes the costs to be paid to ARC at $2,015.65.


Costs awarded herein shall be paid by TELUS Québec forthwith.
Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2001-07-17

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