ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-682

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Order CRTC 2000-682

Ottawa, 26 July 2000
Contribution exemption approved for
for Centrex systems used to provide single-hop or local services
Reference: 8626-M42-01/00
By fax dated 2 May 2000, MEGATEL inc. provided an affidavit seeking a contribution exemption for Centrex systems used to provide single-hop or local services. The Commission grants approval subject to certain conditions.


By letter dated 31 May 2000, Bell Canada stated that it has reviewed the affidavit and noted that it generally appears to satisfy the requirements for such exemptions with one exception: there is no reference to specific Centrex services that might already be in place. Rather, Bell Canada stated that the affidavit made a generic reference to systems in several areas of its territory. In this respect, Bell Canada stated that it has reviewed its files and cannot find a record of Centrex services ordered or in place for MEGATEL. In light of this, Bell Canada submitted that MEGATEL's application should be treated as a request for advance approval of an exemption, pending the installation of service.


Accordingly, Bell Canada agreed with a request for advance approval of an exemption, subject to the requirement that MEGATEL provide a revised affidavit within 30 days after the installation of its system(s), identifying the Centrex system(s). The exemption should limit MEGATEL's services to local and single-hop configurations.


The Commission is of the view that the affidavit satisfies the requirement for an advance approval of an exemption for single-hop and local services.


Accordingly, the Commission grants advance approval to MEGATEL's application subject to the company providing a revised affidavit within 30 days after the installation of its system(s), identifying the Centrex system(s) and affirming that it is arranged in a manner to limit services to local and single-hop configurations only.
Secretary General
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