ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-678
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Order CRTC 2000-678 |
Ottawa, 24 July 2000 | |
TELUS Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 229 |
CRTC denies TCI small business promotion |
1. | The Commission denies a 24 May 2000 application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to introduce a small business promotion. |
2. | Under the proposed promotion, TCI would provide a Payphone Card valued at $20 to existing small business customers who have TCI as their local exchange carrier or primary interexchange carrier. |
3. | On 19 June 2000, Canada Payphone Corporation filed comments stating that the promotion is similar to previous promotions and confers an undue preference on TCI which is anti-competitive. |
4. | On 27 June 2000, TCI filed reply comments stating that the promotion is not similar to any prior promotions, and is not anti-competitive or unduly preferential. TCI stated that the promotion is in accordance with the Commission's promotion rules. It also stated that bundling rules allow it to bundle its tariffed and non-tariffed services. TCI argued that an imputation test is only necessary when the service is a new permanent offering or an existing offering with a price reduction. |
5. | The Commission is of the view that the proposed promotion would provide continuing discounts, beyond a 12-month period, for services that are presently or have been under previous promotions. Therefore, the Commission concludes that it would not be appropriate to approve this filing without an imputation test. |
Secretary General | |
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