ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-656
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Order CRTC 2000-656 |
Ottawa, 18 July 2000 | |
GT Group Telecom Services Corp.'s proposed tariff revisions to contribution charge provisions |
Tariff Notices 10 and 10A | |
The Commission approves on an interim basis, with the changes set out below, GT Group Telecom Services Corp.'s proposed tariff revisions to its contribution provisions that were filed pursuant to Commission decisions. | |
1. |
GT Group Telecom Services Corp. filed an application proposing revisions to its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 21190). The application proposed adding and changing some definitions and amending the contribution provisions and rates pursuant to various Commission decisions. |
2. | The Commission notes that several provisions require minor changes in order to appropriately reflect its determinations in these decisions. |
3. | Group Telecom filed Tariff Notice 10 on 20 December 1999 and amended the application on 3 March 2000. |
4. | In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that: |
1. The proposed tariffs are approved on an interim basis with the following amendments: | |
a) in Item 3, Definitions: | |
i) in item a) of the definition for Class A licensee, add the word "basic" immediately before the words "international traffic"; and | |
ii) in the definition for Class B licensee, delete the words "from the CRTC" from the end of the second last sentence. | |
b) in Item 202.3(c)(1): | |
i) in the first sentence of the paragraph, after the words "contribution charges specified", replace the remainder of the sentence with "below apply"; | |
ii) delete the last sentence of the paragraph; | |
iii) in the column entitled "Carriers and Other Service Providers that do not use DALs" add the words "(Note 1)" to the end of the title, replace the peak period rate with $0.0066 and replace the off-peak period rate with $0.0033; and | |
iv) add the following immediately after the table: | |
Note 1. An attestation that a carrier or other service provider does not use DALs requires that the carrier or other service provider provide an affidavit to Group Telecom and the Commission, sworn by a senior officer of the company, attesting to the fact that the carrier or other service provider does not use any DALs to originate or terminate traffic in the applicable ILEC's operating territory. The affidavit must be resubmitted on an annual basis and include a statement that if, during the year, the carrier or other service provider uses any DALs, the carrier or other service provider will notify the Commission immediately, serving a copy on Group Telecom, and the contribution rate applicable to the carriers and other service providers that do use DALs would immediately apply. | |
c) in Item 202.3(c)(2): | |
i) add the word "applicable" immediately before the word "ILEC"; | |
ii) replace sub-item i) with the following: | |
i) with respect to contribution-eligible international traffic that the licensee transports between Canada and the United States using circuit-switching protocol on telecommunications facilities operated by the licensee, the licensee shall a) report to the ILEC in whose territory a Canada-U.S. circuit crosses the border all contribution-eligible minutes, and b) remit to the ILEC the applicable contribution charges as specified in Group Telecom's tariffs; |
iii) replace sub-item ii) with the following: | |
ii) with respect to contribution-eligible international traffic that the licensee transports between Canada and a country other than the United States using circuit-switching protocol on telecommunications facilities operated by the licensee, the licensee shall a) report to the ILEC in whose territory the gateway switch (i.e., the last switching point for outbound minutes and the first point of switching for inbound minutes) is located all contribution-eligible minutes, and b) remit to the ILEC the applicable contribution charges as specified in Group Telecom's tariffs; | |
iv) replace sub-item iii) with the following: | |
iii) with respect to contribution-eligible international traffic that the licensee converts from circuit-switched minutes originating in Canada to non-circuit-switched traffic, or from non-circuit-switched traffic to circuit-switched minutes terminating in Canada, the licensee shall a) report to the ILEC all contribution-eligible minutes as measured at the point of conversion to the ILEC in whose territory the conversion occurs, and b) remit to the ILEC the applicable contribution charges as specified in Group Telecom's tariffs; and | |
d) in the second table of Item 202.3(d)(2): | |
i) in the column for British Columbia, for the circuit group 75-99, replace the rate of $133.00 with $134.00; | |
ii) in the column for Alberta, for the circuit group 40-49, replace the rate of $132.00 with $133.00; and | |
iii) in the column for Alberta, for the circuit group 50-74, replace the rate of $140.00 with $141.00. | |
2. Group Telecom is directed to issue forthwith tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above. | |
Secretary General | |
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