ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8638-C12-27/99 - Location of Demarcation Point for Inside Wire in Multi-Dwelling Units and Associated Issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-10, 6 August 1999, (Decision 99-10),: Follow-Up Process - CRTC Industry Steering Committee
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LetterFile #: 8638-C12-27/99Ottawa, 10 April 2000 To: PN 98-35 Distribution List Re: Location of Demarcation Point for Inside Wire in Multi-Dwelling Units and Associated Issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-10, 6 August 1999, (Decision 99-10),: Follow-Up Process - CRTC Industry Steering Committee Consensus Items. Dear Sir or Madam: On 3 December 1999, the building access and inside wire Sub-Working-Group (BA&IW SWG) of the CRTC Industry Steering Committee (CISC) submitted two consensus reports to the CISC Steering Committee (SC) (See Attachment 1). The reports were placed on the CRTC's website. The SC parties confirmed the consensus reports and forwarded them to the Commission for consideration. The Commission has reviewed the reports and approves the consensus reports noted in the attachment. Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke, Att.
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