Order CRTC 2000-963
Ottawa, 20 October 2000
General Tariff revisions approved on an interim basis with changes for C1.com Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 4
This order approves on an interim basis, with the changes outlined below, revisions to C1.com Inc.'s access services tariffs for interconnection with interexchange and wireless service providers.
C1.com filed an application to revise its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 21320). The application, dated 15 August 2000, proposed to:
- amend the tariff to add rates for access services in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Quebec;
- amend the rates for local routing number absent service to reflect Order CRTC 2000-394, dated 12 May 2000; and
- amend the wireless access services tariff to reflect Order CRTC 2000-395, dated 12 May 2000.
On 12 September 2000, Bell Canada filed comments on behalf of itself and on behalf of Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc.
Bell Canada noted the following with respect to rates in C1.com's proposed tariff pages:
- the basic listing interchange file service rates for Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec are incorrect;
- the rates for termination of traffic from exchanges within the local calling area for Ontario and Quebec don't reflect the rates approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-758, dated 4 August 1999;
- the contribution rates for Nova Scotia are incorrect;
- the monthly charge per DS-1, or function of DS-1, is no longer applicable in Bell Canada's operating territory; and
- the charges proposed in the wireless access services tariff don't reflect Order 2000-395.
On 14 September 2000, C1.com filed reply comments in which it agreed that the changes suggested by Bell Canada were appropriate.
The Commission notes that, in addition to the changes suggested by Bell Canada, several minor corrections to various provisions are required.
The Commission approves the proposed tariff amendments on an interim basis, with the following changes:
a) amend Item 102(4) as follows:
i) replace the rate of $0.107 for Nova Scotia with $0.102; and
ii) replace the rate of $0.064 for Ontario and Quebec with $0.056.
b) replace the rates for Ontario and Quebec in Item 200(2), termination of traffic from exchanges within the local calling area, with the following:
Ontario and Quebec
Trunk termination charge
Monthly rate
Up to 24 trunks, each trunk
Up to 48 trunks, each trunk
Up to 72 trunks, each trunk
Up to 96 trunks, each trunk
Over 96 trunks, each trunk
c) amend Item 302(1)(a) as follows:
i) in the first table entitled "Carriers and other service providers that use DALs", replace the contribution rates for Nova Scotia with the following rates:
Peak period $0.0298
Off-peak period $0.0149
ii) in the second table entitled "Carriers and other service providers that use DALs", add the word "ILECs," immediately before the word "carriers"; and
iii) in the second table entitled "ILECs, carriers and other service providers that use DALs", replace the contribution rates for Nova Scotia with the following rates:
Peak period $0.0266
Off-peak period $0.0133
d) in the second table in Item 305 entitled "Call routing - LRN Absent, per DS-0 service charge", for the province of Alberta, insert the rate of $166.00 in both rows;
e) in Item 402(2)(b), insert the words "in Nova Scotia" immediately after the words "all serving areas";
f) in Item 402(3)(b), delete table 3.1 which is entitled "Interconnection trunk termination";
g) amend Item 402(4)(e) as follows:
i) in paragraph (e), replace all occurrences of "1,000" with "100/1,000";
ii) add the following rates for the provinces of Manitoba, British Columbia and Alberta:
Manitoba $45.88
British Columbia $103.25
Alberta $134.31
h) delete Item 402(4)(c) and renumber Items 402(4)(d), 402(4)(e) and 402(4)(f) accordingly.
C1.com is directed to issue forthwith revised tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above.
Secretary General
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