ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-878
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Order CRTC 2000-878 |
Ottawa, 25 September 2000 | |
Approval granted for MTS co-location link rates | |
Reference: MTS Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 398 | |
The Commission approves on an interim basis co-location link rates for MTS that are consistent with the rates approved for other major incumbent telephone companies. | |
1. |
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-1201, the Commission approved co-location link rates for connection between an interconnecting carrier's co-located equipment and the transport cross-connect facility in a telephone company's central office. |
2. |
Order 99-1201 approved co-location link rates for the major telephone companies with the exception of MTS, because MTS had an existing co-location link tariff. |
3. |
The Commission requested MTS to show cause why the co-location link rates approved in Order 99-1201 for DS-1 and DS-3 transmission speeds should not also apply to MTS. |
4. |
MTS filed Tariff Notice 398 on 14 April 2000 proposing co-location link rates. |
5. |
MTS proposed a one-time service charge for each DS-1 link of $235 and $1,820 for each DS-3 link. |
6. |
The Commission is of the view that the cost of co-location links should not vary significantly among major telephone companies and that the cost for co-location links is affected by factors within the control of the telephone company, such as the placement of the co-location space and the selection of cabling and equipment. |
7. |
The Commission considers that the co-location link rates for MTS should be consistent with the rates approved for other major telephone companies in Order 99-1201. |
8. |
The Commission approves on an interim basis for MTS a one-time service charge for the provisioning of co-location central office links of $1,000 per increment of 28 DS-1 connections or less for any link length. The Commission also approves on an interim basis a service charge for each DS-3 connection of $1,000 for any link length. |
9. |
The Commission also approves, on an interim basis, a $60 DS-1 and $100 DS-3 monthly recurring rate for cross-connection between co-located interconnecting carriers. |
10. |
The rates are effective the date of this order. MTS is directed to issue forthwith revised tariff pages. |
Secretary General | |
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