ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-863
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Order CRTC 2000-863
Ottawa, 20 September 2000 |
Compensation for toll-free payphone calls and tracking report service approved on an interim basis |
Reference: Atlantic Provinces Telecommunications Council (APTC) Tariff Notice (TN) 14 | |
The Commission approves on an interim basis the application of the companies for compensation per call for toll-free calls from the companies' payphones and the proposed tracking report service. The Commission substitutes the proposed rates with those approved for other major telephone companies. |
1. |
On 23 June 2000, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, NBTel Inc., and NewTel Communications Inc. (the companies) filed Regional Services Tariff Item 306. They proposed a charge per toll-free call placed at the companies' pay telephones, and to amend Item 504 to introduce a competitive pay telephone service provider (CPTSP) toll-free report. |
2. |
The proposed charges per toll-free call were: |
Island Tel |
$0.60 |
$0.49 |
NBTel |
$0.46 |
NewTel |
$0.62 |
The proposed rate per subscribing CPTSP for the toll-free tracking report service was $50 per month plus $0.027 per reported message. |
3. |
AT&T Canada Corp. submitted the rates per toll-free call were too high and the proposal should be denied. |
4. |
The companies replied that the proposed rates were supported by cost studies. |
5. |
Orders CRTC 99-1017 and 2000-735 approved rates and principles of compensation for toll-free calls from pay telephones and toll-free tracking report service for Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. |
6. |
The Commission considers that the proposed rates should be further reviewed and the companies seeking compensation for toll-free calls from payphones should not be unduly delayed. |
7. |
The Commission therefore approves on an interim basis APTC TN 14, but directs the companies to replace the rates and conditions with those approved in Order 2000-735. The companies are directed to issue revised tariff pages forthwith. The compensation per call is to be effective when the toll-free tracking report service is available to CPTSPs or their agents. |
Secretary General |
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