ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-784
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Order CRTC 2000-784 |
Ottawa, 16 August 2000 | |
Téléphone Guèvremont Inc.'s application related to the provision of toll services in its territory is denied Tariff Notice 18 |
The Commission denies an application by Téléphone Guèvremont Inc. (Guèvremont) to make Interurbain Guèvremont inc. the default provider of toll services to Guèvremont's local service customers. | |
1. |
In an application filed on 7 December 1998, Téléphone Guèvremont Inc. proposed to amend its General Tariff by establishing procedures for: |
a) connection and disconnection of Interurbain Guèvremont as the toll service provider of a Guèvremont customer; and | |
b) selecting a toll provider within the Guèvremont territory. | |
Procedure for connection and disconnection |
2. |
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-841, dated 30 August 1999, the Commission approved on an interim basis, subject to certain amendments, the PIC/CARE (Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange) Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE Manual) filed by the Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès de télécommunicateurs (SATAT) on behalf of Guèvremont and its other participating member companies. |
3. |
The SATAT PIC/CARE Manual sets out the procedures, once equal access is available, for the connection of a customer to a toll service provider and the disconnection of a customer from a toll service provider. |
4. |
In Order 99-841, the Commission indicated that, generally, consistent rules should apply to toll service providers for interconnection with local exchange carriers across the country. |
5. |
In this proceeding, the Commission considers it appropriate that Interurbain Guèvremont follow the procedure for connection and disconnection set out in the PIC/CARE Manual approved in Order 99-841. |
6 |
Accordingly, the Commission denies the proposed tariff amendments relating to the procedure for connecting and disconnecting Guèvremont's customers. |
Procedure for selecting a toll service provider |
7. |
In its application filed on 7 December 1998, Guèvremont proposed that toll service providers be selected based on a survey of Guèvremont's customers asking them to choose a toll service provider. Under the proposed procedure, any customers who do not chose a specific toll service provider within the prescribed period would be assigned by Guèvremont to Interurbain Guèvremont. |
8. |
In Customer definition and ownership of subscriber information in independent telephone companies' territories, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-18, dated 1 December 1999, the Commission found that, unless a different toll carrier is selected by the customer, the customers in the independent telephone companies' territories served by Bell Canada are toll customers of Bell Canada. |
9. |
In this context, the Commission feels that failure by a customer to respond to a survey, such as that proposed by Guèvremont, cannot be construed as the customer rejecting Bell Canada in favor of Interurbain Guèvremont as the toll service provider. |
10. |
Therefore, the Commission denies the procedure proposed by Guèvremont for selecting a toll service provider. |
Secretary General | |
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Date Modified: 2000-08-16
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