ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-783
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Order CRTC 2000-783 |
Ottawa, 16 August 2000 | |
Withdrawal of Bell Canada's remote radio service in Quebec approved |
Tariff Notice 6470 | |
The Commission approves Bell Canada's request to withdraw high frequency remote radio service in Quebec. Bell Canada will transfer facilities used to provide remote radio service to Groupe Pagex, a telecommunications company with headquarters in Chicoutimi, Quebec. Pagex will offer the remote radio service now provided by Bell Canada. | |
1. |
Bell Canada stated that its decision to withdraw from the provision of this service is based on financial and technological considerations, and that the provision of the service is uneconomic at current rates. Bell Canada considered it would be required to increase rates to a level beyond what most subscribers would pay to recover the investment required for it to continue to offer the service. |
2. |
At the time of its application, Bell Canada's service had 1,788 subscribers. Concurrent with its tariff filing, Bell Canada advised these customers of its application and its plan to transfer to Pagex the facilities used to provide remote radio service. Bell Canada also provided information on Pagex, Pagex's rates and advised customers how to provide their comments to the Commission. |
3. |
Approximately one percent of subscribers commented on Bell Canada's application. In general, these subscribers' main concern was that Pagex's rates would be too high. The Commission considers that Pagex's rates are not unreasonable. |
4. |
In all the circumstances, the Commission finds that Bell Canada's application is in the public interest and therefore approves the application. The Commission's approval of Bell Canada's Tariff Notice 6470 is based on the specific circumstances of this case. |
5. |
Finally, the Commission notes that in the context of Bell Canada's application to withdraw remote radio service in Ontario (Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6416), Bell Canada referred to the requirement to file its plans for extending basic service in its Service Improvement Plan by 1 January 2001, pursuant to Telephone service to high-cost serving areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-16 dated 19 October 1999. The Commission also expects Bell Canada to include its plans for extending basic service to the areas it served by remote radio in its Service Improvement Plan for Quebec. |
Secretary General | |
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Date Modified: 2000-08-16
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