ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-76-1

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Order CRTC 2000-76-1

Ottawa, 29 February 2000
Intrigna Communications Inc.
Tariff Notice 1

Corrections to Order CRTC 2000-76 dated 1 February 2000

The above order should have read as follows:
1. On 22 December 1999, Intrigna Communications Inc. filed an application under Tariff Notice (TN) 1 for approval of its General Tariff (CRTC 21350) consisting of:
a) General Terms and Conditions;
b) Access Services Tariff for Interconnection with Local Exchange Carriers;
c) Access Services Tariff for Interconnection with Interexchange Service Providers;
d) Access Services Tariff for Interconnection with Wireless Service Providers (WSP); and
e) 9-1-1 Emergency Response Services.
2. An intervention was filed by TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (together TELUS) on 20 January 2000. TELUS noted that various minor changes were required to Intrigna's General Tariff including amendments to its contribution charge provisions to reflect the Commission's determinations in Review of frozen contribution rate policy, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-20, dated 15 December 1999.
3. In reply on 26 January 2000, Intrigna stated that it would adopt TELUS's recommendations in conjunction with the Commission's determinations regarding TN 1.
4. In Contribution on traffic carried by alternate providers of long distance services over direct access lines, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-9, dated 20 July 1999, the Commission considered that an exemption mechanism is appropriate for those alternate providers of long distance services that do not use any direct access lines (DALs).
5. In Decision 99-20, the Commission directed all carriers providing local exchange service to issue amended tariff pages, effective 1 January 2000, reflecting the changes to contribution rates and WSP surcharges resulting from changes in the DAL loading factor.
6. In a letter decision dated 15 December 1999 with respect to Bell Canada's application regarding contribution on traffic carried by alternate providers of long distance services over DALs, the Commission directed all local exchange carriers to ensure that their tariffs reflect the directives of the decision and, where necessary, to issue revised tariff pages to reflect the directives.
7. In a 15 December 1999 letter decision regarding TELUS 's application under section 62 of the Telecommunications Act to modify the international contribution regime to introduce a single blended contribution rate for Canada, the Commission determined that, effective 1 January 2000, the contribution rates applicable to international calls (including the U.S.) would, for each incumbent local exchange carrier, be set at Bell Canada's contribution rates for the international end of the call.
8. The Commission notes that Intrigna is required to reflect the determinations of the decisions noted above in its tariff pages.
9. The Commission also notes that Intrigna has omitted from its 9-1-1 Emergency Response Services (ERS) tariff provisions associated with the "conditions for service required by the municipality".
10. In addition, the Commission is of the view that other minor changes are required to the tariff for the purposes of correcting and clarifying various terms and conditions.
11. In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
The proposed tariffs are approved on an interim basis, with the following amendments:
a) In Item 101, replace "Interexchange Carrier" with "Interexchange Service Provider".
b) In Item 101.6.7, capitalize the word "customer" and delete the phrase "including anticipated long distance charges".
c) In Item 101.8.2, in the first sentence, capitalize the word "customer".
d) In Item 102, Definitions:
i) delete the first appearance of the definition for "Interexchange Carrier";
ii) delete the second appearance of the definition for "Interconnecting Circuit";
iii) amend the definition of "Interexchange Service Provider (IXSP)" to read as follows: "is an IXC or IX reseller, including the ILECs, which provides interexchange services"; and
iv) add the following immediately after the word "Canada" in the definition for "licensee": "which has signed a BLIF agreement and".
e) In Items 301.1 d) and g), amend all references to the "CLEC - IXSP Agreement" to read "CLEC - IXC Agreement"
f) In Item 301.1 p) add the phrase "other than the ILEC" after the words "an IXSP"
g) In Item 301.2 b) add the following to the end of the sentence: "either in whole or in part, which cease to be compatible with Intrigna's facilities or become inoperative because of such changes to Intrigna's equipment, apparatus, lines, circuits or devices."
h) In Item 302.1 c), in the second sentence, insert the name "Intrigna" before the first comma and the word "or" after the second comma.
i) In Item 302.1 e), in the first sentence, add the word "and" after the words "Trunk-Side Access".
j) In Item 302.2 e) amend the rates for Access Tandem connection in British Columbia as follows:
i) Charge based on connect time: $0.006128
ii) Charge based on conversation minutes: $0.006635
k) Amend Item 302.3 as follows:
i) In a), delete the dialing provision "10xxx" from the first sentence; and
ii) In a), add the phrase "provided over Intrigna's network" in the third sentence directly after the words "primary exchange service".
iii) In e), change the reference from "CLEC-IXSP Agreement" to "CLEC-IXC Agreement".
l) In Item 303.1 c), replace the term "CLEC - APLD Agreement" with "CLEC - IXC Agreement".
m) In Item 305.1 a), in the first sentence of the first paragraph, add the words "or Line-side" after the words "Trunk-side".
n) In Item 305.5 a), in the first sentence, replace all references to the term "APLD" with the term "IXSP".
o) In Item 401.1 k), in the first sentence, replace the words "equipment of facilities" with "equipment or facilities".
p) In Item 501.1 a) add the words "for termination" to the end of the last sentence.
q) In Item 602.3 add the following provisions:
3.2.1 As a condition of accepting 9-1-1 calls from Intrigna's end-user subscribers, the municipalities shall:
a) Provide and operate a Call Answer Centre for the serving area on a 24-hour per day, 365-day per year basis. Answering and handling of emergency calls, along with the emergency response is the responsibility of the municipalities and is not part of Intrigna's Metro 9-1-1 Service.
b) Provide, operate and manage the personnel and the equipment, including terminal equipment required to receive and process emergency calls directed to the Call Answer Centre.
c) Coordinate participation of all ERAs in the serving area with respect to Metro 9-1-1 ERS. This will include:
i) Ensuring the involvement of the ERAs;
ii) Determining in conjunction with the 9-1-1 service provider, the serving area and ESZs served by the Call Answer Centre and ERAs;
iii) Providing and validating, as required by Intrigna, all geographical data, including street names, address, and associating those addresses with ESZs; and
iv) Informing Intrigna immediately of all changes that may occur in the geographical data including street names, and addresses.
d) Provide and maintain fire, law enforcement and emergency medical services within the municipality, and provide the address, contact, telephone and facsimile numbers of these services to Intrigna.
e) Provide Intrigna with a minimum of ninety (90) days written notice of an intended change in the location of the Call Answer Centre and the borders of the service areas or the ESZs.
f) Be responsible for any other requirements that are not specifically identified in the tariff that are related to matters of the kind listed in Article 3.2.
3.2.2 The municipality may contract with a third party for the management and operation of the Call Answer Centre but in such event, the municipality shall remain responsible for all aspects of the operations of the Call Answer Centre and shall not be relieved of any of its obligations under this tariff.
r) In Item 602.10, delete the second occurrence of the article numbered 10.2.
2. Intrigna is directed to file forthwith its PIC/CARE Handbook and an unexecuted copy of the BLIF agreement for approval.
3. Intrigna is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages:
i) reflecting the determinations of Decision 99-20 and the letter decisions of 15 December 1999; and
ii) incorporating the changes set out above.
Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2000-02-29

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