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Order CRTC 2000-739

Ottawa, 8 August 2000
TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.'s Internet Call Director Promotion
Tariff Notices 4053 and 4053A
The Commission approves, on a final basis, TCBC's Internet Call Director Promotion.


On 4 April 2000, the Commission issued Order CRTC 2000-255, approving on an interim basis, with a shortened promotional period from 7 April 2000 to 6 March 2001, TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.'s (TCBC) request under Tariff Notice (TN) 4053, to introduce the Internet Call Director Free for 30 Days Promotion. In Order CRTC 2000-366, dated 3 May 2000, the Commission approved on an interim basis TN 4053A which amended the promotion by deleting the reference to Item 279 - Residential Additional Line Bundle, as it was inadvertently included in the list of services that must be subscribed to in order to be eligible for the $1 discount.


On 5 April 2000, Call-Net Enterprises Inc. filed comments on TN 4053. Call-Net stated that, in Order 2000-255, the Commission characterized the discounted subscription period of the Internet Call Director Promotion as one month only ("the 30 days"). In that order, the Commission reduced the enrollment period of the promotion one month, so that the combined enrollment and benefit period would be 12 months.


Call-Net submitted that the Commission should also have considered not only the "30 free days" segment of the promotion in its calculation of the discounted subscription period, but also the $1 per month discount and 20 hours per month of free Internet service components as well. Call-Net submitted that the enrollment period should be reduced to 6 months thereby reducing the benefit period to 6 months. Call-Net submitted that in its current form, TN 4053 has a combined enrollent and benefit period of 23 months.


On 16 May 2000, TCBC filed a reply to Call-Net's comments. TCBC argued that the shortened promotion period constitutes a combined enrollment period and benefit period of 12 months, which is within the duration determined to be appropriate by the Commission. The benefit period of the proposed promotion does not extend beyond the promotional period, rather it runs concurrent with the promotional period. TCBC submitted that Call-Net's objection is groundless and should be rejected. TCBC requested that the Commission grant final approval of TNs 4053 and 4053A.


The Commission considers the $1 discount per month and the 20 hours of Internet free access to be part of the benefit under the promotion. The Commission also notes that the benefit period ends on 6 March 2001 regardless of the date of enrollment.


The Commission considers that the promotion is a legitimate promotion which does not exceed 12 months. TNs 4053 and 4053A are approved on a final basis.
Secretary General
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