ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-628
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Order CRTC 2000-628 |
Ottawa, 5 July 2000 | |
Bell Canada quantity discounts for DS-1 and DS-3 accesses for Megalink and digital exchange access services |
Reference: Bell Canada Tariff Notices 6463 and 722 (National Services Tariff) | |
The Commission approves Bell Canada's request to eliminate the current restrictions for the calculation of quantity discounts for DS-1 and DS-3 accesses, to allow them to be combined regardless of the services they were originally ordered for. It also approves the request to allow digital exchange access and Megalink access to be channelized to enable connectivity with other services and to change the conditions for the reduction or waiver of termination charges for minimum contract period commitments. | |
1. |
The Commission received comments from Call-Net Enterprises Inc. and Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. Call-Net stated that Bell Canada's proposal to combine accesses would allow carriers to enjoy the benefits of quantity discounts. However, Call-Net also requested revisions to the termination provisions for digital exchange access and Megalink so that termination charges would not apply when a customer contracts for any type of access arrangements. |
2. |
Bell Canada indicated that it is proposing to waive termination charges for one year if the customers commit to a new minimum contract period (MCP), having a term equal to or greater than the longest unexpired portion of the existing MCPs, and with an equal or greater number of activated DS-0 time slots. |
3. |
Primus Canada objected to Bell Canada's proposal to combine accesses that terminate in one customer location. Primus Canada claimed that such provision would negate any volume discounts that it currently receives. |
4. |
Bell Canada indicated that the requirement that DS-1/DS-3 accesses must terminate at the same customer premises to be eligible for discounts is not new. Bell Canada pointed to the existing National Services tariffs for DS-1s and DS-3s, which refer to accesses originating from the same customer premise. |
5. |
The Commission agrees with Bell Canada's submission that the condition that circuits must terminate in the same customer premise is not new. |
6. |
The Commission notes that Bell Canada has included these applications under its price cap filings for the year 2000. |
7. |
Bell Canada filed Tariff Notice 6463, dated 22 March 2000, to revise General Tariff Items 5201 - Megalink service and 5300 - Digital exchange access. It also filed National Services Tariff Notice 722, dated 22 March 2000, to revise Item 301 - Digital network access. |
Secretary General | |
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