ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-603
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Order CRTC 2000-603 |
Ottawa, 28 June 2000 | |
TELUS Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 222 |
Additional Individual Line Service Promotion |
1. | The Commission grants conditional approval, subject to the following modifications, to TELUS Communications Inc.'s (TCI) request to introduce an additional Individual Line Service (ILS) Promotion. TCI is directed to obtain prior customer authorization acknowledging that the customer is aware that the customer must retain the additional line for a minimum of six months in order to have the ILS surcharge waived and that eligible customers must agree to pay out, in full, the balance owing on their original ILS upon enrolment in the promotion. The acknowledgement is to be evidenced by a signed contract or by one of the following methods: a) accepting a signed document as end-customer confirmation; b) oral confirmation verified by an independent third party; c) electronic confirmation through the use of a toll-free number; or d) electronic confirmation via the Internet. |
2. |
Under this promotion, TCI would waive the surcharge applicable to the provision of an additional line to existing residential ILS customers beyond the base rate area. To be eligible for the promotion, customers must have selected the company as their primary exchange carrier for long distance services and must agree to pay out the balance owing on the original ILS surcharge upon enrolment. |
3. |
TCI is directed to issue forthwith tariff pages incorporating the methods described above for obtaining prior authorization. |
4. |
TCI filed the application on 5 May 2000 to revise Item 785 of its General Tariff. |
Secretary General | |
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Date Modified: 2000-06-28
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