ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-589

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Order CRTC 2000-589

Ottawa, 27 June 2000

Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems interim 2000 Carrier Access Tariffs

Reference: Tariff Notice 9
The Commission approves, on an interim basis, revised 2000 Carrier Access Tariff rates, for the members of the Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems, which reflect the annualised impact of the 1999 rate increase and the impact of the billing and collection tariff approved, effective 1 January 2000.


On 30 November 1999, the Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems (CAPTS) filed, on behalf of its members, proposed interim 2000 Carrier Access Tariffs (CATs) that ranged between $0.0327 and $0.0434 per minute per end.


CAPTS proposed that the interim 2000 contribution rates be set at $0.02 per minute per end for all companies.


CAPTS further proposed direct toll rates equal to its approved interim 1999 rates.

Proposed interim 2000 CATs

2000 Contribution-eligible minutes


CAPTS did not estimate toll minutes for 2000, as it proposed contribution rates of $0.02 per minute per end and proposed direct toll rates identical to interim 1999 direct toll rates.


Bell Canada, CAPTS's sole toll provider, noted that CAPTS and itself had not agreed on the number of minutes to be used to calculate the rates and suggested that CAPTS use the same minutes as were used in the CAPTS's final 1999 filing.


In light of the above, the Commission considers that CAPTS's final 1999 contribution and direct toll minutes should be used in the calculation of interim 2000 CATs.

2000 Contribution requirements and rates


In Telecom Order CRTC 99-941, dated 30 September 1999, the Commission directed CAPTS to calculate its members' 1999 contribution requirements as the lower of a) the previous year's contribution requirement, after accounting for local rate increases, and b) the current year's (forecast Phase III) contribution requirement.


CAPTS submitted that its proposed contribution rates were based on the Commission's prescribed $0.02 floor indicated in Review of contribution regime of independent telephone companies in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5, dated 21 April 1999.


The Commission notes that CAPTS's proposed contribution rates are not in compliance with directives of Order 99-941 in that the total amounts of the 1999 local rate increases are not reflected in the rates.


Furthermore, in Telecom Order CRTC 99-1224, dated 23 December 1999, the Commission noted that the independents should increase their local rates to reduce contribution rates to $0.02 but clarified that it was not the Commission's view that contribution rates could not drop below the $0.02 per minute per end level.


In light of the above, adjustments are required to the proposed contribution requirements to account for the annualised impact of the 1999 local rate increase. Appendix A provides the revised interim 2000 contribution rates.

2000 Direct toll components and rates


CAPTS proposed 2000 interim direct toll components based on the current year's forecast Phase III Toll Broad Service Category.


The Commission considers CAPTS's proposed 2000 interim direct toll components should include the impact of the billing and collection tariff which was approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-1221, dated 23 December 1999, and became effective 1 January 2000.


Therefore, adjustments are required to the proposed direct toll component to account for impact of the billing and collection tariff approved in Order 99-1221. Appendix A provides the revised interim 2000 direct toll rates.



In light of the above, the Commission:
a) denies CAPTS's application under Tariff Notice 9;
b) approves the use of final 1999 minutes in the calculation of the interim 2000 CATs;
c) approves the adjusted interim 2000 company-specific contribution rates listed in Appendix A of this order, effective 1 January 2000;
d) approves the adjusted interim 2000 company-specific direct toll rates listed in Appendix A of this order, effective 1 January 2000; and
e) directs CAPTS to issue revised CAT tariff pages within 15 days.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site:

Appendix A

Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems member companies Interim 2000 contribution rate Interim 2000 direct toll rate
Bruce Municipal Telephone System $0.0219 $0.0105
Dryden Municipal Telephone System $0.0110 $0.0126
Keewatin Municipal Telephone System $0.0108 $0.0125
Kenora Municipal Telephone System $0.0185 $0.0208
The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay - Telephone Division $0.0165 $0.0106
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