ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-587
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Order CRTC 2000-587 |
Ottawa, 22 June 2000 | |
La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor's final 2000 Carrier Access Tariff |
Reference: Tariff Notice 13 | |
The Commission approves La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor's final 2000 Carrier Access Tariff at $0.0639 per minute. This includes an adjusted contribution requirement of $61,849, for a rate of $0.0169 per minute and a direct toll component of $172,489, for a rate of $0.0470 per minute. This tariff is effective 1 January 2000. | |
1. |
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-828, dated 25 August 1999, the Commission approved a final 1999 Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) of $0.0860 per minute for St-Victor. It consisted of a contribution rate of $0.0329 per minute and a direct toll rate of $0.0531 per minute. The total 1999 CAT was based on a contribution requirement of $114,928, a direct toll component of $185,413 and contribution-eligible minutes of 3,491,569. |
St-Victor's proposal |
2. |
On 15 February 2000, St-Victor filed Tariff Notice 13 which proposed its final 2000 CAT rate of $0.0670 per minute consisting of a contribution rate of $0.0200 and a direct toll rate of $0.0470 per minute. The total 2000 CAT was based on a contribution requirement of $73,251, a direct toll component of $172,489 and contribution-eligible minutes of 3,666,147. |
Contribution-eligible minutes |
3. |
St-Victor assumed a forecast of 3,666,147 toll minutes for 2000 representing a 5% increase over 1999. The Commission finds St-Victor's estimate to be reasonable. |
2000 Contribution requirement and rate |
4. |
In Review of contribution regime of independent telephone companies in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5, dated 21 April 1999, the Commission determined that the 2000 contribution requirement would be capped at the final 1999 requirement minus an adjustment to reflect the annualized impact of the rate adjustments derived from the 1999 rate rebalancing. |
5. |
The 1 July 1999 rate increase is expected to generate an additional $53,079 in revenues in 2000. |
6. |
Therefore, in accordance with Decision 99-5, the Commission has calculated the final 2000 contribution requirement at $61,849 ($114,928 -$53,079) for a contribution rate of $0.0169 per minute. |
2000 Direct toll component and rate |
7. |
St-Victor proposed a final 2000 direct toll component of $172,489 with a direct toll rate of $0.0470 per minute. The Commission notes that this proposal has been adjusted to reflect additional revenues from billing and collection tariff approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-1228, dated 23 December 1999. |
Implementation |
8. |
In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that: |
a) the final 2000 CAT for St-Victor be set at $0.0639 per minute with a contribution rate of $0.0169 per minute and a direct toll rate of $0.0470 per minute, effective 1 January 2000; | |
b) St-Victor is to issue revised tariff pages reflecting this determination within 15 days of this order; and | |
c) St-Victor proceed with billing adjustments as expeditiously as possible. | |
Secretary General | |
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