ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-555
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Order CRTC 2000-555 |
Ottawa, le 19 juin 2000 | |
Contribution exemption for Centrex systems used to provide local exchange services | |
Reference: 8626-Q10-01/00 | |
1. |
By fax dated 6 March 2000 ,Telmax, also known as 9080-5540 Québec Inc. (Telmax), provided an affidavit seeking a contribution exemption with respect to Centrex systems used to provide local exchange services. |
2. |
By letter dated 3 April 2000, Bell Canada stated that it could find no record of Centrex services provided to Telmax that might be the subject of its application. Bell Canada submitted that the Telmax request might best be characterized as a request for advance approval of an exemption. Bell Canada noted that the affidavit provided appears to satisfy the evidentiary requirement for such a request. |
3. |
Accordingly, Bell Canada stated that if Telmax were seeking advance approval of an exemption, it would agree with the request subject to the provision of another affidavit after the installation of its first services affirming that they are configured to be compliant with the requirements for an exemption. Alternatively, Bell Canada submitted that if Telmax is seeking approval of an exemption with respect to services that are already in place, it should identify the services that are the subject of its application and provide a revised affidavit listing these services. |
4. |
The Commission is of the view that the affidavit provided satisfies the evidentiary requirement for an advance approval of local exchange services. Accordingly, the Commission grants advance approval to Telmax's configuration subject to the provision of another affidavit after the installation of its first services affirming that they are configured to be compliant with the requirements for an exemption. If Telmax is seeking approval of an exemption with respect to services that are already in place, it is to identify the services that are the subject of its application and provide a revised affidavit listing these services. |
Secretary General | |
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