Order CRTC 2000-354
Ottawa, 28 April 2000
Québec-Téléphone and Télébec ltée – 2000 interim contribution rates
Reference: 8695-C12-10/99, Québec-Téléphone Tariff Notice 262 and Télébec ltée Tariff Notice 240
The Commission approves, on an interim basis, effective 1 January 2000, Québec-Téléphone's interim 2000 contribution rate of $0.0276 per minute, and Télébec's interim 2000 contribution rate of $0.0453 per minute.
In Telecom Public Notice CRTC 99-27, dated 23 December 1999, the Commission directed Québec-Téléphone and Télébec to file, among other things, their respective proposed interim 2000 contribution rates based on the companies' 2000 forecast contribution requirements.
Interested parties
Parties did not file any comments.
Québec-Téléphone's proposal
Québec-Téléphone filed a proposed interim 2000 contribution rate of $0.0276 based on a forecast contribution requirement of $31.5 million.
Québec-Téléphone's proposed interim 2000 contribution rate is lower than its approved final 1998 rate of $0.0556 per minute (approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-942, dated 30 September 1999) and the proposed final 1999 contribution rate of $0.0331.
Télébec's proposal
Télébec filed a proposed interim 2000 per minute contribution rate of $0.0453 based on a forecast contribution requirement of $30.0 million.
Télébec's proposed interim 2000 contribution rate is lower than its approved final 1998 rate of $0.0585 per minute (approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-942, dated 30 September 1999) but higher than the proposed final 1999 contribution rate of $0.0437.
Issue of amortized revenues (Télébec)
The 2000 increased interim contribution requirement for Télébec, as compared with the proposed final 1999 contribution rate, is mainly due to a revenue reduction. Télébec recorded revenues in 1998 and 1999 from the amortization of the accounting reserve for pole rental. The reserve account was fully depleted in 1999.
Therefore, Télébec will no longer have revenues from the accounting reserve in 2000. For Télébec, this revenue shortfall has increased its proposed interim 2000 contribution requirement.
The Commission has not addressed the revenue shortfall issue for the year 2000 and beyond at this time, but will do so in the proceeding to determine the final 2000 contribution rate.
In light of the above, the Commission approves, on an interim basis, effective 1 January 2000:
a) Québec-Téléphone's interim 2000 contribution rate of $0.0276 per minute; and
b) Télébec's interim 2000 contribution rate of $0.0453 per minute.
The companies are to issue tariff pages reflecting their respective approved contribution rates within 10 days of the issuance of this order.
Secretary General
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