ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-345

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Order CRTC 2000-345

Ottawa, 27 April 2000
MTS single-line inside wire and demarcation issues approved

Reference: 8740-M3-0351/99

The Commission accepts inside wire diagnostic and demarcation proposals filed by MTS Communications Inc.


In Telecom Order CRTC 99-759 dated 5 August 1999, the Commission directed MTS to revise its tariff to no longer charge for providing diagnostic service for single-line inside wiring troubles. This service is available to customers who are not equipped to verify the operation of the inside wiring by means of a self-test jack at the service entrance demarcation point. Order 99-759 was the Commission's response to customer complaints. MTS has revised its tariff to provide the diagnostic service at no charge. The Commission approved these tariff revisions in Telecom Order CRTC 99-918.


Also in order 99-759, the Commission directed MTS to investigate ways to provide a self-test demarcation device to give customers a self-test capability for single-line inside wiring. Several other telephone companies provide such self-test demarcation devices.


In its response dated 3 November 1999, MTS indicated that the demarcation devices that it uses are custom-made and would be expensive to modify to provide a self-test capability.


The Commission continues to be of the view that an inside wire self-test capability is desirable to clearly define customers' responsibility and control for inside wiring, and to foster competition in the market for inside wire services.


The Commission accepts, at this time, MTS's proposal to continue to provide diagnostic service for inside wire troubles at no charge but not to provide a self-test demarcation device. If a future study of this issue indicates that a self-test demarcation device should be provided, the Commission may require such a device to be provided.


The Commission accepts MTS's proposal contained in its response of 3 November 1999, to provide a notice to subscribers that inside wire diagnostic service is available at no charge. The notice is to be provided within 90 days of the date of this order.

Secretary General

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