ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-325

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Order CRTC 2000-325

Ottawa, 25 April 2000
Bell Canada
Reference: 8340-B2-0096/01

Interconnection agreement with Télébec ltée

The Commission denies the amendment to Appendix A of the interconnection network agreement between Bell Canada and Télébec. This amendment was filed by Bell Canada on 22 July 1999, and was subsequently modified on 26 July 1999.


The proposed amendment would have amended the interconnection agreement approved in Telecom Order CRTC 99-686 dated 22 July 1999. The amendment sought to insert specific provisions relating to the transitional payment that Bell Canada was to remit to Télébec and to the concept of corresponding minutes.


The amendment stated that the financial impact, for transitional payment purposes, should be based on the year 1997. In a letter dated 31 March 2000, the Commission ruled that, given the Bell Canada/Québec-Téléphone settlement agreement, the transitional payment should be based on the financial impact in each year of the contract, i.e., 1998 and 1999, but not on 1997.


In the same letter, the Commission also denied the concept of corresponding minutes. The Commission had noted that industry practice, including that applicable to Bell Canada's competitors, is to pay contribution on actual minutes.
Secretary General
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