ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-262

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Order CRTC 2000-262

Ottawa, 10 April 2000
Digital subscriber line service
Reference: Kenora Municipal Telephone System Tariff Notice 19


The Commission approves Kenora’s request to introduce digital subscriber line service (DSL). The Commission however requires that Kenora make available the unbundled elements required for alternate service providers to access the subscriber loop in order to connect their own DSL equipment.


Norcom Telecommunications Limited commented on Kenora’s application. Norcom was concerned that Tariff Notice 19 did not provide for the unbundled elements required to connect its own DSL equipment. Norcom was also concerned that the pricing proposed by Kenora is cross-subsidized.


In reply, Kenora stated that the service was sufficiently unbundled. Kenora also noted that its proposed rates provided full cost recovery with an appropriate profit margin.


The Commission notes that Kenora’s application provides third parties with an opportunity to access Kenora’s DSL equipment but does not allow for third parties to use their own equipment when providing DSL services.


In light of Norcom’s request, the Commission is of the view that Kenora should make the unbundled elements available. The Commission is satisfied that the service will not be cross-subsidized at the rates proposed by Kenora.


Kenora is directed to file for approval, within 30 days, proposed tariffs for the unbundled elements required for alternate service providers to access the subscriber loops in order to connect their own DSL equipment.
        7. Kenora filed this application on 21 December 1999 to introduce Section 890 of its General Tariff.

Secretary General


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