Order CRTC 2000-226
Ottawa, 24 March 2000
Bell Canada
Tariff Notice 6459
Additional individual residence line service connection charge waiver promotion
The Commission approves on an interim basis Bell's proposed additional individual residence line service charge waiver promotion.
Bell filed its application on 25 February 2000 to revise General Tariff Item 70 – Rate Schedules for Primary Exchange (Local) Service to implement an additional line promotion between 3 April 2000 and 30 June 2000 inclusive. For customers subscribing to additional individual residence lines during this promotional period, the company proposed to waive the associated service connection charge of $55.00.
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-361 dated 22 April 1999, the Commission approved tariff revisions to Bell's General Tariff Item 70, Rate Schedules for Primary Exchange (Local) Service and Item 75, Connection of Primary Exchange Service to Inside Wire and Jacks, introducing an additional line promotion, between 1 May and 30 September 1999 inclusive. The company waived, for customers who subscribed to additional individual residence lines, its First Work Activity charge of $59.00 as well as the service connection charge of $55.00.
Subsequently, in Telecom Order CRTC 99-418 dated 4 May 1999, the Commission approved a request by Bell to delay the start of the five-month promotion, previously approved by the Commission in Order 99-361, to 1 August 1999.
The Commission considers the proposed promotion under Tariff Notice 6459 to be a continuation, with a revision, of the promotion approved in Order 99-418, which expired on 31 December 1999. That revision is the waiver of only the service connection charge of $55.00 whereas in Order 99-418 the promotion waived the service connection charge of $55.00 and the First Work Activity charge of $59.00.
The Commission notes that the combined enrollment and discounted monthly rate periods of the promotion do not exceed 12 months.
These revisions will take effect on 3 April 2000.
Secretary General
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