Order CRTC 2000-192
Ottawa, 13 March 2000
Gateway Telephone Limited Tariff Notice 2
Gateway's proposed tariff for access services approved for Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia
In this order, the Commission approves on an interim basis Gateway Telephone Limited's application proposing rates for providing access services in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia.
On 7 December 1999, Gateway filed an application proposing revisions to its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 21260) to propose rates for access services in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia.
TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (TELUS) noted that Gateway had not included tariff provisions relating to competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) responsibilities to the incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) as the 9-1-1 service provider.
The Commission considers that Gateway's 9-1-1-Emergency Reporting Service (ERS) tariff provisions require changes to ensure that they are consistent with the approved 9-1-1 ERS form agreements.
TELUS submitted that Gateway's contribution charge provisions should reflect the Commission's directives in:
a) Review of frozen contributions policy, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-20, dated 15 December 1999; and
b) its letter decision dated 15 December 1999 with respect to Bell Canada's application regarding contribution on traffic carried by alternative providers of long distance services (APLDS) over direct access lines (DALs).
The Commission notes that it has issued several decisions that affect the contribution mechanism.
In Contribution on traffic carried by alternative providers of long distance services over direct access lines, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-9 dated 20 July 1999, the Commission found it appropriate to exempt APLDS that do not use any direct access lines from paying the DAL surcharge on the contribution rate.
In Decision 99-20, the Commission directed all carriers providing local exchange service to issue amended tariff pages, effective 1 January 2000. They should reflect the changes to the contribution rates and wireless service provider (WSP) surcharges resulting from changes in the DAL loading factor.
In a letter decision dated 15 December 1999 with respect to Bell's application regarding contribution on traffic carried by APLDS over DALs, the Commission determined that DAL surcharges apply to contribution assessed on international traffic and directed all local exchange carriers to ensure that their tariffs reflect the Commission's directives and, where necessary, to issue revised tariff pages.
In a second letter decision issued 15 December 1999 regarding the TELUS section 62 application to modify the international contribution regime to introduce a single blended contribution rate for Canada, the Commission determined that, effective 1 January 2000, the contribution rates for each ILEC territory will be set at Bell's rates for the international end of any call. All local exchange carriers were directed to issue revised tariff pages.
In a letter issued on 17 December 1999, the Commission made its determinations with respect to the Final Consensus Report filed on 23 June 1999 by the Industry Task Force on International Contribution Issues. The report recommended solutions for various international contribution issues arising from Regulatory regime for the provision of international telecommunications services, Telecom Decision CRTC 98-17, dated 1 October 1998. The Commission directed the CLECs and ILECs to file by 1 February 2000 proposed tariff revisions to implement its directives.
The Commission considers that Gateway's tariff should be revised to be consistent with Decisions 99-9 and 99-20 and its letter decisions dated 15 December 1999 and 17 December 1999.
With respect to the WSP provisions, TELUS submitted that:
a) the interconnection trunk termination charge of $137.10 per month per DS-1 proposed by Gateway is not applicable in Alberta and British Columbia; and
b) the appropriate service charge for Alberta for reserved telephone numbers is $41.63 and not $98.00 as proposed.
The Commission notes that TELUS applies a link charge per DS-0 channel whether interconnection is provided on a line-side or a trunk-side basis. The Commission notes that under Gateway's proposed tariff, a customer would pay a link charge per DS-0 channel when interconnecting on a line-side basis and an interconnection trunk termination charge per DS-1 access when interconnecting on a trunk-side basis. The proposed interconnection trunk termination charge would result in a lower charge being applied than if the corresponding link charges were applied.
The Commission considers that Gateway's proposal to apply the interconnection trunk termination per DS-1 in British Columbia and Alberta is acceptable and consistent with the determinations of Local competition, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 dated 1 May 1997.
With respect to Gateway's proposal to apply the $98.00 service charge for reservation of seven-digit telephone numbers in Alberta, the Commission notes that TELUS's tariff for WSP interconnection in Alberta does not specifically include provisions for reserved telephone numbers, nor does it reference other tariff items that provide these services. The Commission considers that it is in the public interest that this service be provided and that Gateway's proposal to charge rates that are comparable to those charged in other provinces is acceptable.
In addition, the Commission is of the view that other minor changes are required to the tariff for the purposes of correcting and clarifying various terms and conditions.
In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
a) The proposed tariff revisions are approved on an interim basis, with the following amendments:
i) In the table associated with Item 301.4, paragraph 4.3, amend the rate for "Flexible ANI" in the province of Alberta to read "$94.75".
ii) In Item 402.2, paragraph 2.2, delete the word "toll" from the phrase "per activated toll Access channel" in the last line of the table and in the last sentence of the associated note.
iii) In paragraph 2.1 of Items 502.2 and 504.2, delete the phrase "under the terms of this Tariff" from the first sentence and delete the second sentence in its entirety.
iv) In Item 502.4, 503.4 and 504.4, in paragraph 4.1 of each item, add the following provisions:
4.1.5 Provide to the municipality at its designated call answer centre a telephone number that is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the purpose of reporting trouble with the 9-1-1 emergency calling system.
4.1.6 Provide to the municipality at its designated call answer centre a facsimile number or alternative address (such as e-mail) or both for the purpose of dealing with problems with information as to end-user subscribers and 9-1-1 street address data base, and updating such information.
v) In Item 502.6, delete paragraph 6.4 and renumber the remaining paragraphs accordingly.
vi) In Item 503.2, paragraph 2.3, add the following after the first paragraph:
- Selective Routing and Transfer; and
- Auto Line Identification (ALI)
vii) Item 504.6, delete paragraph 6.4 and renumber the remaining paragraphs accordingly.
viii) In Item 504.7, delete paragraph 7.3.
b) Gateway is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages:
i) reflecting the determinations of Decisions 99-9 and 99-20 and the letter decisions of 15 December 1999 and 17 December 1999; and
ii) incorporating the changes set out above.
Secretary General
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