ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-1187-1

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Order CRTC 2000-1187-1


Ottawa, 5 January 2001


Correction to Order CRTC 2000-1187 dated 22 December 2000


Reference: 8698-C12-10/00


The permissive dialing date established for the overlay of NPA 514 in Order CRTC 2000-1187 should be 18 January 2003 and not 18 January 2002.


The summary paragraph of Order 2000-1187 is therefore amended as follows and the revised text is underlined:


The Commission approves the introduction of a new area code in the region currently served by area code 514. The new area code will be implemented in an "overlay" of all exchanges in the 514 region. Existing customers in the 514 area code will retain their current telephone numbers but will need to begin to include the area code when dialing local calls starting on 18 January 2003. Once the new area code is implemented on 7 June 2003, numbers in the new area code will be made available.


The fourth bullet point contained in paragraph 18 of Order 2000-1187 is also amended as follows and the revised text is underlined:


all carriers in NPA 514 introduce permissive dialing and ensure that a standard 10-digit dialing automatic announcement is implemented no later than 18 January 2003. The permissive dialing period will continue until the new NPA is introduced.


Secretary General


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